Plugin category: ADMIN/MECH Suggested name: playerspy What I want: a plugin that gives me invisibility effect (potion) and makes my items invisible (so you don't see floating items) when I do /spy . when i do /spy again I turn back to normal Ideas for commands: /spy (toggle spy mode) Ideas for permissions: player.spy (acess to /spy, default op) When I'd like it by: A.S.A.P You can make it so you can still interact with anything. You can also make it so you can only deal damage, not take damage.
. . . It's really simple :/ and offers what I view to be the best spying experience Did you even try it!?
Yes. In-Game commands even allow you to do so, you can join vanished then do; /v t nochat - Toggles ability to chat. /v t nointeract - Toggles interaction with items and players.
I am a technical admin on a minecraft sever and we use this plugin to follow suspected greifers, keep an eye on things, and we can still clean up greif (with LogBlock or manually), use commands and everything else its just that other people cant see you....