Plugin Help [Spigot 1.8] GroupManager doesn't work

Discussion in 'Plugin Help/Development/Requests' started by ptilouis111, Apr 20, 2015.

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    I recently installed and configured groupmanager on my Spigot 1.8 server.
    I added antibuild to prevent visitors from building or destroying things, and it finally works with the permissions "antibuild.bypass"

    But, I created 4 groups :
    - the default one which functions, unkonws cannot build or write command lines ;

    - the basic one where I wrote only antibuild.bypass which doesn't function : when a member of this group is deopped via the basic minecraft /deop command, he isn't able to build or break blocks anymore ...

    - the moderators which can build AND kick/ban/unkick/unban ; this one can build opposed to the basic one, which is strange because i wrote the exact same permissions "antibuild.bypass" and this time it seems to work fine. BUT, the kick/ban/unkick/unban doesn't work, if they are not op (basic minecraft command again), they can't kick/ban/etc . i wrote the permissions line "bukkit.command.kick" etc.

    - the admin group which can do everything, same, it doesn't function it can only build and cannot write commands EXCEPT if the player is an op.

    I'd like to know why the commands kick etc permissions lines don't apply, and why the builder group canno't build even if I added the "antibuild.bypass" permissions line. For now, I had to put all the members in moderator group so they can build and op all the admins so they can use commands.

    Thanks in advance, and I can give you my groups file, the users one seems to work properly :


      default: true
      - bukkit.command.kill
      prefix: 'Vagabond'
      build: false
      suffix: ''
      default: false
      - antibuild.bypass
      - default
      prefix: 'Citoyen'
      build: true
      suffix: ''
      default: false
      - bukkit.command.kick
      - bukkit.command.ban.player
      - bukkit.command.ban
      - bukkit.command.unban.player
      - bukkit.command.unban
      - antibuild.bypass
      - builder
      prefix: 'Notable'
      build: true
      suffix: ''
      default: false
      - bukkit.command.*
      - antibuild.bypass
      - Moderator
      prefix: 'Seigneur'
      build: true
      suffix: ''
    PS : I respected the 2 spaces rules etc, but the ctrl c ctrl v didn't respect them

    PS2 : here is the pastebin @pie_flavor

    EDIT :
    it worked : the builder class can build etc, but I have another issue : I'm in the group admin and i use the command /deop myself and I can't use commands anymore, while I wrote a line "bukkit.command.*" for my admin group ...

    Do you have an idea ?

    the problem seems to be larger, 0 commands functions for 0 class, the only thing working is antibuild so i guess the permission line "antibuild.bypass"

    @pie_flavor (the message takes hours to be approved so I edited this one)
    Last edited: Apr 20, 2015
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    @ptilouis111 Do me a favor. Open the file, hit Ctrl+A, Ctrl+C then paste it in, and turn on YAML syntax highlighting. It won't fail there, I can guarantee that. But a problem here is that the issue may well be indentation, but we don't know until we see it.
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    @ptilouis111 Ah. Simple mistake. Check the first permission in your Moderator group - its indent is 1 space too few.
    For future reference you can paste your yaml code into and it will tell you if you have any syntactical errors.
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    Ok nice, I'll do the corrections (i noted a few wrong spaces that weren't in my yml doc, dunno why) and tell you if it helped :)

    Thanks !

    it worked : the builder class can build etc, but I have another issue : I'm in the group admin and i use the command /deop myself and I can't use commands anymore, while I wrote a line "bukkit.command.*" for my admin group ...

    Do you have an idea ?

    EDIT : the problem seems to be larger, 0 commands functions for 0 class, the only thing working is antibuild so i guess the permission line "antibuild.bypass"

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 12, 2016
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