Filled Spawner pickup

Discussion in 'Plugin Requests' started by MrFade, Apr 6, 2023.

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    Plugin category: Random

    Minecraft version: 1.19+ (mostly for 1.19.2 and 1.19.4)

    Suggested name: MineSpawner

    What I want: A custom item that you can you to pickup spawner (The item should be one time use then it brakes or gets removed) it should work with worldguard plugin and also I need so I can edit which spawners can you pickup (enable and disable them) in the config.
    also in config please add so when you mine spawners it will cost you money (I can edit how much it cost you for different type of spawners and I would be able to disable it as well)

    Spawner pickup item

    Item: "prismarine_shard" (Glowing/ aka enchanted)
    name: "&c&k1&a&lSpawner &6&lPickup&c&k1"
    - &5Right click this item to pick up a spawner
    - &cCost&7: &a$5000
    - "&b&lONE TIME USE"

    please make sure I can edit this as well
    Ideas for commands:
    - /
    Minespawner give <player> <amount>

    Ideas for permissions: minespawner.admin (to use the command)

    When I'd like it by: ASAP (Please lol).

    Please note: Players shouldn't be able to make the item into default item for example if you have a bone as a custom item then you shouldn't be able to make bone meal out of it or feed it to wolfs
    Last edited: Apr 11, 2023
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    some one please make this :)
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    No longer need this
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