Spawn Protection Plugin!

Discussion in 'Plugin Requests' started by se_er, Mar 29, 2017.

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    I'm looking for a specific type of spawn plugin unlike the worldguard one or any where you can run back in to spawn and you'll be protected again.

    What I'm looking for is a spawn protection plugin where, when you run outside of the spawn area you will no longer be spawn protected at all. Even if you run back in you will not be protected!
    So basically the only way to regain spawn protection would be to either type /spawn or to die and respawn.

    (how many blocks from 0 to be protected) Border: [blocks]
    LostMSG: '&7You have lost spawn protection.'
    RegainMSG: '&7You have regained spawn protection.'
    WarpCancelMSG: '&7Warp cancelled!'
    NearbyMSG: '&7Someone is nearby, please wait 10 seconds to be warped.'
    Last edited: Mar 29, 2017
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    @se_er Wall that is raised and only has stairs at 1 side?
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    @se_er Why not use that then?
    Protection within the walls (or on top of the platform)
    No way to get back on besides dying or doing /spawn
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    Because I kind of what people to be able to run back in to spawn, so there's the issue
  6. "Spawn Protection" so a complete protection (no damage at all) ?
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  8. Sounds good
    I will work on it this evening..
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    Sounds great man! :)
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