Solved Sorting list of regions

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by torpkev, Dec 10, 2018.

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    I've set up some regions using my code, each region can have flags that control what can be done there, and some regions can be inside others.

    So for example, I have a region called City, it has an order_by of 1 and a flag that says PREVENT_BREAK = true and PREVENT_PLACE = true. Inside the City region is a sub-region called Zone with an order_by = 2. It has a flag that says PREVENT_BREAK = true, PREVENT_ENDERPEARL = true, and PREVENT_BURN = true.

    I then have another sub-region that is inside the Zone region (so a sub-sub-region I guess) called AllowBurn with an order_by of 5 which has PREVENT_BURN = false. So I can use that region inside my larger region for areas where I'd allow things to burn.

    I have a class for each region along the lines of:

    Region Class:
    - Name
    - Order_By
    - List<Flags>

    and a Flags class like:

    Flags Class:
    - Name
    - Is_Active

    I have a list of my regions where the player is, so if they're inside the AllowBurn, my list might be City, Zone and AllowBurn

    I'd like to sort the list by order_by and then apply the flags in turn - so in my example above, I'd want to pull the flags for City, then Zone and then AllowBurn - but with PREVENT_BURN flag = false even though the zone has it as true (so they HAVE to go in order).

    So using my example:

    City - PREVENT_PLACE = true
    City - PREVENT_BREAK = true
    Zone - PREVENT_BREAK = true
    Zone - PREVENT_ENDERPEARL = true
    Zone - PREVENT_BURN = true
    AllowBurn - PREVENT_BURN = false

    If the player is standing in the AllowBurn region (which is inside the Zone region which is inside the City region), the flags should be:

    PREVENT_PLACE = true
    PREVENT_BREAK = true
    PREVENT_BURN = false

    So - Assuming I already have the List<Region> - What would be the best way to sort the list by Region.Order_By?

  2. @torpkev

    I suggest you let the class Region implement Comparable<Region> and use yourRegionList.sort() to sort the list. In the compareTo method of Region, you should return 1, 0 or -1 depending on what region has the highest orderBy.
  3. Offline


    Thanks - that is the approach I ended up going with.
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