Someone Update Gold2Economy, or make an easier one.

Discussion in 'Plugin Requests' started by BBGun2821, Mar 17, 2020.

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    I'm using Essentials with Vault on a Spigot server for 1.15, and I'm having issues locating a simple gold->money conversion plugin that is up to date. Simply put, I'm looking for an easy plugin that allows me to create a sign to place on a wall, and upon right clicking the sign (with either a gold ingot, bar or block) it would convert said gold into money at a 1-nugget:$1 ratio (Bars being $9, Blocks being $81), and a withdraw option the same.

    Gold Nugget/Bar/Block

    The above sign would basically follow the following steps upon execution:
    1. IF <player> has <gold nugget/bar/block> wielded
    2. THEN remove 1 <gold nugget/bar/block> from <player>'s inventory & give <player> <$1/$9/$81>, display "You've deposited 1 <gold nugget/bar/block> for <$1/$9/$81>!"
    3. ELSE display "You don't have any Gold Nugget/Bar/Block's in your inventory!"

    Gold Nugget/Bar/Block

    For a withdrawal it would simply reverse the action as such upon clicking a sign that instead has WITHDRAW listed:
    1. IF <player> has <$1/$9/$81> in balance
    2. THEN add 1 <gold nugget/bar/block> to <player>'s inventory & take <$1/$9/$81> from <player>'s balance, display "You've withdrawn 1 <gold nugget/bar/block> for <$1/$9/$81>!"
    3. ELSE display "You don't have enough money to withdraw! Check with /balance!"

    I am familiar with code on an amateur at best level, so while I understand the generic structure of how it may need to be built, I cannot get by the logistics and technicalities it comes with. Additionally I'm aware of Economy Bank, however it does not link the items in game to a bank rather applying through digital means and has a different purpose for what I'm trying to achieve.

    Let me know if any big brain people out there are interested in giving a go!

    Reason for Edit: Changed Ingots to Nuggets, accident correction.
  2. Offline


    Have you considered using serversigns for this? <Edit by Moderator: Redacted not allowed paid resource url>

    - You can make signs that have an itemcost (to take the gold away from the user)
    - You can make signs that execute console commands (like the /give or /eco commands)
    - You can make signs that have a cost (to take money away from the user)

    Here's the command reference:
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 5, 2021
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