Plugin category: Fun/MechSuggested name: AutoMinesA bit about me: I'm a Server OwnerWhat I want: i want a plugin to generate mines but i dont want world edit plugin, it needs to be able to select the area for the mine, then put what blocks and ores will be there, (and the percentaje of them) then put how much time needs to the mine resets, (all the times it resets needs to place randomly the ores and the blocks) then name the mine so they can modify it all the time and finally a way to allow certain ranks to dig thereIdeas for commands: /am 1 (this selects the first pos)/am 2 (this selects the 2 pos) /am type <here blocks and percentaje of them in the mine> /am reset (number) minutes /am create (name of the mine) /am allow <ranks here to allow mine in the mine ) <if this command is no specified all ranks can dig there> /am select (name here to select the mine)Ideas for permissions: Automines.* - allows everything Automines.create - allows the rank to create a mine (/am 1 /am 2 /am typeAutomines.reset - allows the rank to enable an automatic reset (/am reset)Automines.allow - allows the rank to allow other ranks to dig there (/am allow) - allows the rank to modify a mine (/am select)When I'd like it by: Tell me when you'll be able to finish it bySimilar plugin requests: None.Devs who might be interested in this: No idea is this possible?? EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
Could you be more clear? It looks like you are asking for a plugin that generates caves. Then, you select the percentage of ores you want in the cave and how often the ores regenerate? I'm not a plugin dev. just curious
i posted: because i dont want world edit plugin. i want a plugin only for mine generation with perms support, and easy to use. Bump? Some1 can make this plugin pls i really need it =( i can pay a bacon xD Bump! plz help Another Bump :/ EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
come on 200+ views and nobody can help me :/ this is my finnal bump if nobody can do this im out EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
Why are you so against World Edit? I could probably write a plugin that inherits the selection and block replacement stuff from World Edit. Writing it from scratch would take much more time. I'll actually take a look at what I can do. Sounds sort of fun. EDIT: It will not be a set of instructions for World Edit (which is a weird idea anyways), but it will probably have WE as a requirement. EDIT2: Or not. EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
at first thanks for reply and thanks for trying it =) if it needs world edit like world guard need it its ok, but if it dont require it THAT WILL BE MUCH BETTER =D
Funnily, I do not know if I will need World Edit to reset the mine. I cannot get the WE methods to work with the plugin, so I might as well just write my own. Not that big of a deal. I'll probably get it done today or tomorrow.
Patience I'm getting there But thanks. Might not get it done today, though. Automatic resets are a pain, and protection is not working
Here you go: In case it does not get approved before you get online, here: [ Download ] I did not have the time and persistence to get the automatic resets done, but I'll get to it in due time.
thx a lot!!!!! It works 100% thanks you so much =) EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.