[SOLVED] How to prevent player invulnerability after join?

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by fromgate, Feb 14, 2012.

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    When player joining on server he gain 3-5 second invulnerability. It allows player to cheat in PVP, and prevent damage when falling.

    Is it possible to prevent on join invulnerability?
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    This is built into minecraft so players don't get killed whilst joining instantly if players are quiting just to get this invunerability then maybe you should add some sort of penalty for leaving the server whilst in combat? maybe clear inventory or you actually die
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    When a player joins, the server does setNoDamageTicks(60).

    Listen for the player join event in your plugin, then call player.setNoDamageTicks(0)
    fromgate likes this.
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    Thank you!!!
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    player.setNoDamageTicks(0) did not works.

    I've tested, and when I call player.getNoDamageTicks() in onJoin event, method returns 0. But player is still invulnerable abot 3-5 seconds after joining...
  6. worldguard also have an feacture what does this, you tried running whitout plugins?
  7. If it is actually noDamageTicks which is set, then it probably happens after a PlayerJoinEvent is launched. Try delaying the call to setNoDamageTicks by 1 tick, like that:
    Bukkit.getServer().getScheduler().scheduleSyncDelayedTask(yourPluginInstance, yourRunnable);
    Note that by omitting the 3rd (delay) parameter, the task is scheduled for the very next tick.
    I've no clue if that has the intended effect, but it could ;)
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    I guess noDamageTicks is for delay between taking damage, e.g. in lava
    Invulnerability after join is due to invulnerableTicks in the EntityPlayer behind API (or already not?)
    Something like this:

        @EventHandler(priority = EventPriority.MONITOR)
        private void onPlayerJoin(PlayerJoinEvent event) {
            try {
                Field underlyingEntityField = CraftEntity.class.getDeclaredField("entity");
                Object underlyingPlayerObj = underlyingEntityField.get(event.getPlayer());
                if (underlyingPlayerObj instanceof EntityPlayer) {
                    EntityPlayer underlyingPlayer = (EntityPlayer) underlyingPlayerObj;
                    underlyingPlayer.invulnerableTicks = 1;
            } catch (Exception e) {
                log.info("LoginInvulnerabilityFix exception: " + e.getMessage());
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    Thank you it works fine :)
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