Solved *SOLVED* GroupManager Permission Help

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by YourmoveCreeper, Sep 8, 2012.

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    Trying to implement this into my server but when I add myself to say Moderator Admin or Owner group is won't let me hold anything break anything I have to OP myself to do anything. I'm trying to set up each group to only allow some commands. Which it does specify in the global group.yml but it doesn't seem to work when I add myself to the groups when I de-op myself. For instance I was trying to make sure the Moderator was working because I don't want Moderators Op-ed. Couldn't do anything but use commands. Same for all the groups. Also don't want the default group to be able to use the /xp give command. When I type /help it only shows like 4 commands but yet /xp still works even though it isn't one of them. I am new to the Server Admin side but I'm trying to learn as fast as possible to any help would be awesome. List of plugins I am currently testing are
    -GroupManager(was installed but removed)


    Found that everytime I saved through the ingame consul it would add

    prefix: '&e'
    build: false
    suffix: ''

    at the end of every group in the global yml and it currently still does so after making changes before I can /manload I have to edit the global yml and remove every syntax it adds. Other then that is threat was solved by me. Thanks tho Jamie for the interest.
  2. Please post your globalgroups.yml and groups.yml files at pastie or pastebin.
    and then link them here
    Or use the code box Symbol {}#
    Omnitv likes this.
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    Cool your using my copy and paste ^_^
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