[Solved]Get Player instance from an offline player

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by Yourdogsdead, Sep 5, 2012.

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  1. Offline



    I am trying to get an instance of a Player when a person is offline. Unfortunately I cannot figure out how to convert an OfflinePlayer to a Player. Any help is appreciated.
  2. Offline


    OfflinePlayer.getPlayer(), however if said OfflinePlayer is indeed offline, the getPlayer() method will return null!
  3. Offline



    I had to rework my method anyway. It originally sent a message to both players, but if one player is online you can't do that now can you. I instead passed along a String and tried to turn that into a player. If it's null, don't send the message. If it's not null, send the message

    public void placeBounty(Player placer, String victim, int bounty){
                System.out.println("Victim is not in Hashmap");
                playerList.put(victim,new PlayerProfile(victim));
            Inventory placerInv = placer.getInventory();
            if(placerInv.contains(266, bounty)){
                placer.sendMessage(ChatColor.DARK_GRAY + "Placed a bounty of " + bounty + " on " + victim);
                Player victimPlayer = Bukkit.getPlayer(victim);
                if(victimPlayer != null){
                victimPlayer.sendMessage(ChatColor.DARK_GRAY + placer.getName() + " placed a bounty of " + bounty + " on you");
                placer.sendMessage(ChatColor.RED + "Not enough gold to place bounty");
    Thanks for your help.
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