[SOLVED] get player hotbar inventory

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by cool_s, Mar 30, 2012.

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  1. Offline


    I'm creating a fork based on the MapMarkers plugin by TJ09 that also returns the player inventory.

    I know how to get the complete inventory, but how can I check if an item is in the hotbar?
    The reason for this is that I want to show the player inventory on a website (see here).

    Any help?

    Otherwise... would it be possible to get the slot location of a ItemStack?
    Here's the code I use to get the inventory:

    PlayerInventory inventory = p.getInventory();
    int i = 0;
    JSONObject out = new JSONObject();
    JSONObject mainInv = new JSONObject();
    for (ItemStack stack : inventory.getContents()) {
        if (stack != null) {
            JSONObject inv = new JSONObject();
            MaterialData stackData = stack.getData();
            inv.put("type", stack.getTypeId() + "-" + stack.getDurability());
            inv.put("name", stackData.toString());
            mainInv.put(Integer.valueOf(i), inv);
    out.put("inventory", mainInv);
    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 24, 2016
  2. As far as I know the hotbar are id 0 to 8 from the inventory of the player.

    Short piece of code:
    inv = player.getInventory(); // The player's inventory
    item1 = inv.getItem(0); // First slot of the hotbar
    item8 = inv.getItem(8); // Last slot of the hotbar
    Hope this helps :)
  3. Offline


    So 0 -35 would be the complete player inventory...
    Let's see if I can get this to work :)


    fixed it like this:
    PlayerInventory inventory = p.getInventory();
                JSONObject mainInv = new JSONObject();
                for (int i=35;i>0;i--) {
                    ItemStack stack = inventory.getItem(i);
                    JSONObject inv = new JSONObject();
                    if (stack != null) {
                        MaterialData stackData = stack.getData();
                        inv.put("type", stack.getTypeId() + "-" + stack.getDurability());
                        inv.put("name", stackData.toString());
                        mainInv.put(Integer.valueOf(i), inv);
                    else mainInv.put(Integer.valueOf(i), inv);
    and this is the json file I get:
    "[{"timestamp":"20120330 12:25:27","id":4,"inventory":{"1":{"amount":1,"id":1,"name":"SANDSTONE(0)","type":"24-0"},"2":{"amount":1,"id":2,"name":"SANDSTONE STEP(1)","type":"44-1"},"3":{"amount":1,"id":3,"name":"COBBLESTONE(0)","type":"4-0"},"4":{"amount":1,"id":4,"name":"NETHER_BRICK(0)","type":"112-0"},"5":{"amount":1,"id":5,"name":"VINE","type":"106-0"},"6":{"amount":1,"id":6,"name":"BIRCH SAPLING(2)","type":"6-2"},"7":{"amount":1,"id":7,"name":"REDWOOD SAPLING(1)","type":"6-1"},"8":{"amount":1,"id":8,"name":"GENERIC SAPLING(0)","type":"6-0"},"9":{"amount":64,"id":9,"name":"SAND(0)","type":"12-0"},"10":{"amount":64,"id":10,"name":"SAND(0)","type":"12-0"},"11":{"amount":1,"id":11,"name":"SAND(0)","type":"12-0"},"12":{"id":12},"13":{"id":13},"14":{"id":14},"15":{"id":15},"17":{"id":17},"16":{"id":16},"19":{"id":19},"18":{"id":18},"21":{"id":21},"20":{"id":20},"23":{"id":23},"22":{"id":22},"25":{"id":25},"24":{"id":24},"27":{"id":27},"26":{"id":26},"29":{"id":29},"28":{"id":28},"31":{"id":31},"30":{"id":30},"34":{"id":34},"35":{"id":35},"32":{"id":32},"33":{"id":33}},"z":295.91841093588,"msg":"cool_s","y":107,"world":"Ruins of Obsidian","x":-39.854859714293}]"
    and with this PHP script I get a nice inventory overview:
    $cInventory '';
                foreach (
    $aPlayerInventory[$cPlayer] as $aInv) {
                    if (
    $aInv['id'] > 8) {
                        if (empty(
    $aInv['type']) || !isset($aInv['type'])) {
    $cInventory .= '<div class=\'sprites items-1-9-0-0\'></div>';
                        } else {
    $cInventory .= '<div class=\'sprites items-1-9-'.$aInv['type'].'\'><span>'.$aInv['amount'].'</span></div>';
    $cInventory .= '<div class=\'clear\'></div><hr />';
                foreach (
    $aPlayerInventory[$cPlayer] as $aInv) {
                    if (
    $aInv['id'] <= 8) {
                        if (empty(
    $aInv['type']) || !isset($aInv['type'])) {
    $cInventory .= '<div class=\'sprites items-1-9-0-0\'></div>';
                        } else {
    $cInventory .= '<div class=\'sprites items-1-9-'.$aInv['type'].'\'><span>'.$aInv['amount'].'</span></div>';
    And this is the end result (hover over online (green) avatars):

    Now I only have to edit the css part of it all... so that I can show ALL the items (I'm using a list from 1.8 for this test)

    So I was hoping it was done... but no... it could not be :(

    Seems like the mainInv JSONObject doesn't save itseld in the right order.
    Is there a way to sort this object?

    This is my current JSON return:
        {"timestamp":"20120330 14:54:14",
        "world":"Ruins of Obsidian",
    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 24, 2016
  4. Offline


    I fixed it, using my PHP skills (more experienced with that).

    since the JSONObject, containing the inventory, will be handled by PHP to show the inventory.
    I added this line before I loop through the array: ksort($aPlayerInventory[$cPlayer]); this will sort the array by keys :)
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