[SOLVED] Config.getString() sometimes returns null when the path *is* there

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by caldabeast, Jun 5, 2012.

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    I have to parts of code. The only difference between them is variable names and where in the config they direct to:

    public static String getName(String name){
            String nameColor = "";
            String preset = "";
            nameColor = config.getString("olyChat.Users." + name + ".NameColor");
            if(nameColor == null){
                preset = config.getString("olyChat.Users." + name + ".Preset");
                if(preset == null){
                    nameColor = config.getString("olyChat.Defaults.NameColor");
                    nameColor = config.getString("olyChat.Presets." + preset + ".NameColor");
                    if(nameColor == null){
                        nameColor = config.getString("olyChat.Defaults.NameColor");
            }return formatColors(nameColor).replace("%name", name);
    public static String getChatColor(String name){
            String chatColor = "";
            String preset = "";
            chatColor = config.getString("olyChat.Users." + name + ".ChatColor");
            if(chatColor == null){
                preset = config.getString("olyChat.Users." + name + ".Preset");
                if(preset == null){
                    chatColor = config.getString("olyChat.Defaults.ChatColor");
                    chatColor = config.getString("olyChat.Presets." + preset + ".ChatColor");
                    if(chatColor == null){
                        chatColor = config.getString("olyChat.Defaults.ChatColor");
            }return formatColors(chatColor);
    The first one *always* works, but in the second one, the first check returns null, and goes onto the next checks, even though the variable *is* there.

    My config.yml:
            NameColor: '&7%name'
            ChatColor: '&f'
            SeparatorColor: '&8'
                NameColor: '&cCal&dDa&bBeast'
                ChatColor: '&3'
                SeparatorColor: '&a'
        - snip-
        #Presets would go here, but they work properly, so I took them out of the post
    Any help would be greatly appreciated, because i've been sitting here for nearly three hours trying to get this to work....
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    you -snip-ed the Users configuration section. youre using getString() on it, however, im fairly sure theres supposed to be multiple entries there. Is it a string list? if so, this would be the cause of getString returning null, because its not a string, but a string list.

    edit: my mistake, its not a key/value, but a configsection.

    Try this debug:

    System.out.print("olyChat.Users." + name + ".ChatColor");

    make sure it matches up with what you think it should be. Ive made this mistake tons of times, and it typically ends up being a wrong path string :p
    caldabeast likes this.
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    You solved my problem!
    What was happening was that I was setting the name variable to the person's name color and THEN checking other variables off of that, so it would check for "olyChat.Users.&cCal&dDa&bBeast.ChatColor". Made it so it checks for name last and now it should work! Thank you so much!
    CorrieKay likes this.
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    glad to help, and like i said, in the future, always check your config string paths. Theyre a bugger...

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