[SOLVED] Cannot ban!

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by Thenaz, Mar 30, 2011.

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    I may seem like a total noob because, well I am new to this stuff. I'm having a major problem and I cannot ban! I have tested this out with many people and they can always come back. I am obviously op, I have tested with people who are not op! I'm using permissions, ichat,essentials, craft book, world edit and world guard at the moment. I have looked this up on the internet and cannot find a solution. PLEASE HELP ASAP :(

    Windows vista,32-bit
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    do yo u have a '*' for your username/group in permissions?
    and do you have essentialsban?
  4. Offline


    group: Admins
    prefix: '&6GOD'
    suffix: '&6'
    - 'ichat.*'
    - 'permissions.*'
    - 'essentials.*'

    But im Opd should it not matter?

    Oh and essentials.ban is now in the essentials.jar I believe

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 13, 2016
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    Alright, just give your group '*' and lol I have the GOD prefix on my server too.
    If Permissions is installed it does matter, you need a *. Giving yourself a '*' will give you all commands, no need to do each plugin individually (I'm guessing you want all of the commands right :)) And you are right, essentialsban is in the Essentials Suite now, my bad.

    Alright, banning works for me, plz post all plugins and your entire permissions.yml and your banned-players.txt

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 13, 2016
  6. Offline


    Thank you sooooooo much it all works now!:D It means a ton thanks so much! GODS the best prefix ever lol
  7. Offline


    @Thenaz Nice, and yes, GOD is the best prefix ever, my second in commands are Demigods, its like their ultimate goal :)
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