[Solved]Add certain velocity on a player

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by Jobi, Apr 10, 2012.

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    In my plugin i must push a player away, when someone rightklicks him. this is not the problem, but i don' t know how to push im in the direktion where the player is looking at(right preposition??), because that would look logical. I know that i can push player in a direction with player.setVelocity(vector), but how can i convert the yaw and the pitch from the right-clicking player into a vector?

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    Idk how old you are and if you had this in school yet, but you can use a triangle to calculate the gradient using either pytahgoras or sohcahtoa.
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    Father Of Time

    Or simply use the getDirection() function of the LivingEntity class, it does it for you. :D

    The get direction function returns a vector that is the exact trajectory of the entity it's used on, AKA it will return a vector that represents that yaw and pitch of the entity you use it on.

    Hope this helps!
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    Can you give me an example?
    Ok, i did it:

    Entity entity = event.getRightClicked();   
    Vector vector = player.getLocation().getDirection().setX(player.getLocation().getDirection().getX() + 1).setY(player.getLocation().getDirection().getX() + 0.5).setZ(player.getLocation().getDirection().getZ() + 1);
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