so many errors all plugin broken it seems.

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by bobee98, Jun 9, 2013.

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    this start log has so many issues although on my old server the same files worked fine, but on this host it's awful nobody can use any commands or anything.
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    Try a different bukkit build.
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    Try giving your server more RAM.

    If that doesn't work it could be a problem with groupmanager; all of the plugins getting errors may be trying to communicate with groupmanager which appeared to be the first plugin with an error.
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    since nobody here tries to actually read the log, here are the list of errors:
    1. broken file plugins\GroupManager\worlds\world\users.yml
    2. worlds 'city' and 'skygrid' are damaged, multiverse recommends running chunkster over it
    3. votifier could not bind correctly to host IP
    4. broken file plugins\ServerSigns\signs\1_facs_112_196_53.yml
    5. bending plugin looping crash, failure to use a bukkit method, try a different version
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