Solved Slowing a player a percentage

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by brord, Dec 17, 2013.

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    Hey guys!

    Im lookign for an easy way to slow a player in percentage.
    Where 0% is no more movement possible, and 100% is normal.

    I can do this by listening for moveevent, and chaning the vectors and such, but this would be loading the server too much for such a simple task.

    I think it can be done with potions, but i wouldnt know how to :/

    Think anyone can help me with this matter?

  2. Offline


    player.setWalkSpeed(p.getWalkSpeed() * (80 / 100.00));
    in theory should make the player move at 80% (80 / 100.00) of their current speed.
  3. Offline


    Oh thanks! I must have missed that function *derp*
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