Slender Rising

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by ElitexvxRampage, Feb 12, 2013.

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    I know this is a VERY common idea in this section and nobody has been able to make an exact copy of the slenderman game yet but I thought I would put my point across and see if any of you amazing developers would give it a shot.

    Plugin category: FUN

    Suggested name: SlenderRising

    What I want:

    I decided to make that quick animation to show off the basic concept of the game.
    A player/Some players spawn in a pre-built arena along with a mob (slenderman). Some 'note' places will have been set in advance but nobody knows which one will be chosen to hold the 'note' (a sign). It will be constantly night just like in the real game.

    Players are given certain potion effects such as blindness. Their goal is to be the first person to right click the sign to win the game or spawn the next note. Players cannot harm slenderman (but can harm each other??)

    Slenderman (enderman would be good but I believe zombies are easier to code??) will also spawn randomly in the map (after X seconds [in config]) and will start seeking out the players. He will go straight for a player with a seeking ability (codable as shown in the plugin "ZombieSurvival"). If he hits a player they are given some more potion effects including slowness and are pretty much dead as they are unable to do much until slenderman whacks them to death.

    Ideas for commands:
    /slender create <map name> (create a new slenderman arena)
    /slender delete <map name> (delete a slenderman arena)
    /slender sspawn <map name> <number 1,2,3,4> (set an area where slender may spawn)
    /slender hspawn <map name> <number 1,2,3,4>(delete an area where slender may spawn)
    /slender addnote <map name> (whilst looking at a sign)
    /slender delnote <map name> (whilst looking at a sign)
    /slender stop [<map name>] (stop certain/all running game/s)
    /slender join <map name> (join the slender waiting room)
    /slender leave (leave the waiting room/game)

    Ideas for permissions: (/slender join, /slender leave)
    slender.admin (setup the game)

    When I'd like it by: I really don't mind but the sooner the better really, for everyone's sake.

    If I missed anything please, please, PLEASE tell me below. I can then edit the thread. :3
    Cybermaxke likes this.
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