Sledging MiniGame

Discussion in 'Plugin Requests' started by luckybowers, Apr 9, 2015.

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    Plugin Name: MineSleds
    Plugin Description:
    Up to 4 players can join the game, they get put into minecarts at the top of the hill. They have to race down the hill, avoiding obstacles such as trees. They have to jump over some things, and there will be ramps for jumping as well. Players can’t die when going down the course, and walls at either side of the course are high enough so that players can’t jump off of the edge. The Winner of the race is the first person to reach the bottom of the hill.
    Key Features:
    > Points System - Players earn 1 point if they win a game. These points can be spent whilst players are in the waiting lobby. They can be spent on classes which give them power-ups during the race (speed, jump boost). It says how many points each player has as a chat suffix (only in the MineSleds world)(using Permissions Ex). The chat suffixes will be formatted as follows, x represents how many points the player has:
    if the player has 0-9 points, suffix will be: &7Beginner <x>
    if the player has 10-29 points, suffix will be: &bRookie <x>
    if the player has 30-59 points, suffix will be: &aAthlete <x>
    if the player has 60-99 points, suffix will be: &2Expert <x>
    if the player has 100-999 points, suffix will be: &9Champion <x>
    if the player has 1000+ points, suffix will be: &3Master <x>
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