Skyfall plugin

Discussion in 'Plugin Requests' started by metalcupcake5, Jul 8, 2018.

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    Minecraft Version: 1.12.2
    Suggested Name: FortSky

    What I Want:
    I want a plugin similar to Mineplex's Skyfall. For those who don't know, skyfall is skywars where you spawn in the sky with elytras, and have to drop onto islands with the elytras. There are boost rings around the map that boost you when you pass through them. I would also like support for crackshot guns in chests.

    Ideas For Commands:
    /fs join, joins a skyfall match
    /fs setpost1, sets position 1 of the map
    /fs setpost2, sets postition 2 of the map so pos 1 and pos 2 form a cuboid
    /fs setspawn, sets a spawn
    /fs setchest, sets a chest below the player
    /fs createkit <name>, creates a kit called <name> from inventory
    /fs top <kills:wins>, displays the players with the top number of kills/wins
    and however many more commands you think this plugin needs!

    Ideas For Permissions:
    skyfall.admin; allows all command use; allows map making command use
    that's it, all players can join a skyfall game

    When I'd Like It By:
    Anytime, preferably as soon as possible, but no rush :p
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    So the game works like...
    • players get spawned, each one on a floating block, not able to move until a 10s countdown run off, with an elytra equipped
    • after the countdown run off the spawn blocks disappear and the players have to fly to several islands where loot chests are placed
    • next to the islands are yellow clay rings, that give you extra speed if you fly through them, for reaching upper islands
    • after passing it a ring switches to red red and slowly changes back to yellow block by block, only if it iscompleteley yellow it apllies the boost.
    • last player alive wins
    So some extra details are
    • no fall damage
    • falling completely off the map counts as death as well
    • the islands slowly start to crumble top to bottom to avoid campers
    • after a few minutes drop chests fall from the sky with better loot
    The original game also had several kits for a bit diversety.
    There are also some videos on yt for more examinination.
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    yes, that is correct
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