Filled Skull Plugin /Skull name

Discussion in 'Plugin Requests' started by Danielh90, Feb 28, 2015.

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    lugin category: Fun

    Suggested name: Skull Plugin

    What I want: I would like to have this plugin be able do /skull playername just /skull playername and when they do /skull username they get the other persons head and it gives them the skull to when they do /skull usename
    Also, skim-reading is much easier with paragraphs!

    Ideas for commands: /skull

    Ideas for permissions: skull.get

    When I'd like it by: TODAY
  2. Offline


    Essentials have /skull command. Please don't ask for things that already exist...
  3. Offline


    My Plugin CommandOverride would be able to do this.
    Link is in my Signature.

    - 'console/minecraft:give <player> 1 3 {SkullOwner:"<arg 0>"}'
  4. Offline


    I think it's your favourite sentence :D I see it everywhere.
  5. Offline


    @bazsi700 It does not work its broken i will use overridecommand plugin
  6. Offline


    It kinda is :D
    To be fair, it's one of my favourite Plugins of all Plugins I made so far, it kinda is able to fill 80% of all Plugin Requests if configured correctly.

    Yea, if you are using 1.8 it's most likely not going to work. As the rendering of the Player Head in the Inventory was implemented. But it should work by using CommandOverride.
  7. Offline


    @mrCookieSlime it says it is in vailid {skullOwner:Danielh90}' is not a valid number ?

    - '[permission: perk.skull]console:/minecraft:give <player> 1 3 {SkullOwner:"<arg 0>"}]'
  8. Offline


    Whooops, sorry for that typo:

    - 'console/minecraft:give <player> skull 1 3 {SkullOwner:"<arg 0>"}'
  9. Offline


    @mrCookieSlimeNow it says Server: Data tag parsing failed: Unbalanced square brackets [] {"SkullkOwner:Danielh90"}]]
  10. Offline


    You made a typo this time. Just copy what I sent you.
  11. Offline


    Nope here is the line of code it says console:/minecraft:give Danielh90 skull 1 3 {SkullOwner:"Danielh90"}]

    - '[permission: perk.skull]console/minecraft:give <player> skull 1 3 {SkullOwner:"<arg 0>"}]'

    @mrCookieSlimeNow it says Server: Data tag parsing failed: Unbalanced square brackets [] {"SkullkOwner:Danielh90"}]] still I have copyed what you gave me :)

    <Edit by mrCookieSlime: Merged posts.>
  12. Offline


    Okay, my bad. I made a typo again. I should really watch my writing when Im using my phone...

    - 'console:/minecraft:give <player> skull 1 3 {SkullOwner:"<arg 0>"}'
  13. Offline


    FIXED Thanks i wish i could see my self in my inv but oh well this works for now

    @mrCookieSlimeNow i see when someone gives them a skull [Server: Give [Danielh90's Head] * 1 to Jack5254] how do i stop seeing that ?
    Last edited: Feb 28, 2015
  14. Offline


    Please mark this Thread as Filled then.

    And try doing
    /gamerule sendCommandFeedback false
  15. Offline


    I am 1.7.10 because i can't figure how to update to 1.8 so that will not work
  16. Offline


    Was that added in 1.8? Thought that existed before. So, then there sadly is no way to disable that besides deopping yourself. As only OPs see that.
  17. Offline


    Damit @mrCookieSlime do you know when the bukkit or mojang realse a 1.8 build ?
  18. Offline


    Well, i cannot give you any Information on that.
    You could use Spigot's unofficial CraftBukkit Build.
    However this is getting a bit too offtopic now.
  19. Offline


    @mrCookieSlime one more last thing if i use spigot and is offical essentials not updated yet ? to 1.8 and Thank you for sticking around the bukkit and being staff
  20. Offline


    Essentials was already updated to 1.8 a long time ago, google it. Its an unofficial Build though as well as far as I know.
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