Solved .size of a config file

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by Deleted user, Dec 11, 2013.

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    Deleted user

    If you have a config file that looks like this:
      hi: hello
      hello: hi
      no: yes
      yes: no
    How can you check the size of the main sections (0 and 1) and then how do you iterate through them?
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    Try getConfig().getConfigurationSection("0").getKeys(true).size()
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    Or just use an enhanced loop:

    1. for (String s : getConfig().getConfigurationSection("0").getKeys(false)) {
    2. //will give "hi" and "hello"
    3. }
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    Deleted user

    1Rogue zeeveener
    Its more complex, and I want to loop through ever value in the config
    Aka get all values from '0' and '1'
    And they aren't all strings
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    The getConfiguration("").getKeys().size() gives you how many elements are in the section. Every element NAME is a string or represented as a string. You use that name to get to the actual value you want.

    To go through every element you use the method 1Rogue gave you.
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    Deleted user

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    1. for (String s : getConfig().getKeys(false)) {
    2. // returns "0", "1", etc
    3. }

    It's pretty straightforward, and if each number has a similar structure then it does work.
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    Deleted user

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    What are you referring to by custom config?
    What I said works. I use it in my own plugins so I can assure you I know how to do it for the Bukkit FileConfiguration.
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    Deleted user

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