Plugin Category: Admin Tools Suggested Name: TakeItems What I Want: We all know about the /give command, but what I need (for custom stores) is a /take command. The take command should go as follows: If a player does /take Omegatron wool, it would take 1 wool from Omegatron. If a player does /take Omegatron wool 64, it would take 64 wool from Omegatron. If a player does /take Omegatron wool:5 32, it would take 32 lime wool from Omegatron. If a player does /take Omegatron stone 16 name:&5Achievement Token!, it would take 16 stone with the name "Achievement Token!" from Omegatron. As you can tell by now, the command should be /take <player> <item:data ID> [amount [itemmeta...]] I know it seems like a fairly simple request, but I can't find a plugin that can do this well yet. The item meta is essential, as a lot of my items are named. Ideas for Commands: /take <player> <item:data ID> [amount [itemmeta...]] Ideas for Permissions: takeitems.take When I'd Like it By: As soon as possible, within a week would be great.
This would be amazing especially if worked with spawners and hooked into silk spawners. I would love to be able to remove items from players inventories using this command on a command binded sign to enable selling items that aren't possible to sell with essentials such as spawners and more. +1 from me.
@OmegaTronz If a player does /clear Omegatron wool 1, it will take 1 wool from Omegatron. If a player does /clear Omegatron wool 64, it will take 64 wool from Omegatron. If a player does /clear Omegatron wool 32 5, it will take 32 lime wool from Omegatron. If a player does /clear Omegatron stone 16 0 {display:{Name:"Achievement Token!"}}, it will take 16 stone with the name Achievement Token! from Omegatron. IIRC Essentials will allow you to put a color code in the command, though /clear would have to be changed to /minecraft:clear since essentials overrides it. Why someone would recode an existing command, I don't know.
Essentials doesn't seem to allow Color Codes correctly - I have a double stone slab block named "Achievement (in purple): DARKNESS (in bold/gold)" and when I enter /clear Omegatron 43:8 1 name:&5Achievement:_&6&lDARKNESS, it can't find the block.
@OmegaTronz Because & isn't the color code character. That is a double s or something that I don't know the key combination of.
@timtower we are discussing whether Essentials replaces & with § on normal commands and not just essentials commands.
Either way, it appears that /minecraft:clear can't detect what block 43:8 (the double stone slab) is. And it's strange that with essentials I can do /give Omegatron 43:8 1 name:&5Achievement_&6&lDARKNESS, but I can't seem to do /clear Omegatron 43:8 1 name:&5Achievement_&6&lDARKNESS
@OmegaTronz It does, it just uses a different format. clear [player] [item] [data] [maxCount] [dataTag]
I don't know, I just noticed your id:data thing and knew that minecraft doesn't use that format. That line is straight from the wiki.
So it sounds like there's still no way to take an item from a player's inventory with a colored name - perhaps a plugin could be developed for such a purpose, using the aforementioned commands, permissions, etc?
Name: TakeItems Command: /take <player> <item:data> [amount] [item name] <> is required [] is optionalPermission: takeitems.take (Defaults to server operators) Download: Tell me how it works out.
Unfortunately this didn't work, do you think you could hook into Silk Spawners? I would definitely use this if so! Thanks
Doesn't seem to work - First I used /give Omegatron 43:8 1 &a&lTEST and then tried to use /take Omegatron 43:8 1 &a&lTEST, but it just said that I didn't have "a double slab named &a&lTEST"