Simple Books

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by ColeBergmann, Nov 25, 2012.

  1. Offline


    Suggested name: SimpleBooks

    What I want: I would love a good book plugin. A simple config would be awesome. Here is an example of what I would like the config to look like.

    You would be able to save books with a specific name, and there should be permission based commands to get the books.

    Ideas for commands:
    /simplebook save <name> - Saves the book you are holding
    /simplebook delete <name> - Deletes the specified book from the database
    /simplebook author <author> - Changes the author of the book you are holding to the specified author
    /simplebook replace <name> - Delete the book with the specified name and save the one you are holding with the specified name
    /book <bookname> - Spawns the specified book. If you do not have permission you get a message telling you that you do not have access to spawn that book.

    Ideas for permissions:
    simplebook.* - Access to all simplebook commands - Access to the /simplebook save command
    simplebook.delete - Access to the /simplebook delete command - Access to the /simplebook author command
    simplebook.replace - Access to the /simplebook replace command - Allows you to spawn the specified book. Replace bookname with the name of the book.* - Allows access to spawn all books.
  2. Offline


    This looks like it could be a cool plugin. I will help with the code, but I have too many projects to take this on right now.

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