Hi all, I want/need a plugin where when a specific person enters, thunder and lightning is heard all around the map. sounds like a simple plugin if its possible, maybe play and scary/creapy sound?? would really appreciate it!
I can try to make this but I dont think I can make it so everyone hears it but make it that when an admin logs on lightning strikes near the admin
public class LightningAdmin extends JavaPlugin { Logger log = Loggger.getLogger("Minecraft"); public void onEnable() { log.info("LightningAdmin enabled!"); Bukkit.getServer().getPluginManager().registerEvent(Type.PLAYER_JOIN, new PListener(). Priority.Normal, this); } public void onDisable() { log.info("LightningAdmin disabled!"); } class PListener extends PlayerListener { public void onPlayerJoin(PlayerJoinEvent e) if(e.getPlayer().hasPermission("lightning.admin")) { e.getPlayer().getWorld().strikeLightningEffect(e.getPlayer().getLocation()); } } } Yes I did just type that up, I am bored. D:
Wait, you already requested this and it has been answered. It feels harsh but, this thread should be reported for deletion. Cause you already posted the same thing.. =/ What i wrote earlier Spoiler (Move your mouse to the spoiler area to reveal the content) Show Spoiler Hide Spoiler I just made my first plugin that plays a meow.ogg file when someone enters the command /meow Btw that's using Spout. I could possibly look into the code... 0_0 (i'm a plugin dev' noob, so i might not be as fast as ^that guy XD) Edit: Lol that code would just kill the player xD. I would see if just the thunder sound can be played. It can in spout at least.
Sorry acuddlyheadcrap (love the name ) i had posted the other one in the wrong section and looks like an admin moved it