Solved SignShop working on test server not online

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by makmathias, Sep 24, 2016.

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    Hello everyone
    I am trying to make a prison server. so far i have had groups, Rankup, Warps and everything working and now i am at the SignShop

    Plugins used: Essentials, GroupManager, SignShop, Vault,

    The plugin i am using is SignShop and my problem is that when i tested the plugin with my other plugins and groups on my local test server everything was working all groups no matter if you were opped or deopped could use the signs. and then because i got it working i decided to move it to my online server which is hosted by but the problem on the server is that only opped people can use the signs and i dont know where the problem is because it is working offline but not on the online

    Hey everyone i thought it would a bit hard to understand what i was needing help for so that is why i made this video.
    hope anyone has any idea how to fix this problem

    MODERATOR NOTE: Edit the original post to add information, instead of double-posting.

    Never mind i figured out the problem.
    the problem was the chests on my online server was spawn proteced from the file and therefore no one could use them
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 25, 2016
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