Shut down CraftBukkit

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by The Oddler, Apr 9, 2011.

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  1. Offline

    The Oddler

    I've just played with a friend on a server I made. I used CraftBukkit for this, and now that we're done I don't know how to shut it down (except rebooting the entire pc :p).
    There is no window of the server or anything, and when I look in the map of the server there's always a "level.dat_old" being made and deleted :S As is my "level.dat" constantly being updated, so I guess that the server is still running somewhere.
    How do I turn it of ?
    I use mac 10.6

    Thanks !
    -The Oddler
  2. Offline


    In server console, type in: stop
  3. Offline

    The Oddler

    Ok, seems easy enough, yet how/where do I get the server console ? xD
    When I started the server I didn't get any windows :S It dit run though (since I could connect and so could my cousin ^^)
  4. Offline


    When you run your server, it opens up a console, doesnt it? If not, theres something very wrong with your installation, can you post your content of your launcher please?
  5. Offline

    The Oddler

    Nope, no console :S
    Do you mean "LaunchServer.command" with the launcher ? if so:
    cd ~/Desktop/Bukkit\ Server
    java -Xincgc -Xmx1024M -jar CraftBukkit.jar
    Now that I see that, it says Desktop, but I moved it elsewhere, could that be the problem ?
  6. Offline


    Could be, but I'm not familiar with Mac, sorry.
  7. Offline

    The Oddler

    Oh, ok, thanks anyway :p
    Hopefully someone else knows about the mac side :D
  8. Offline


    I thought that you we're ranking towards CraftBukkit. But yeah, sorry I can't help you.
  9. Offline

    The Oddler

    Not very on topic, but what does that mean "ranking towards CraftBukkit" ? :p
    And pity you can't help :( It's really annoying that I don't get a console :(
  10. Offline


    I meant "ranting" towards Bukkit. Did you run the terminal file or a java file or something?
  11. Offline


    While you are on the server, try /stop.
  12. Offline


    Mac expert to the rescue! XD For some reason, that startup command isn't holding Terminal open afterwards. I'm not sure how to hold it open, since i just launch manually from command line every time, but just typing out the 2 commands in Terminal should keep the Terminal open.

    Beware! If you don't use /save-all before doing this, all progress will be lost!
    Applications, Utilities, Application Monitor, Search for java, Quit Process, Quit.

    EDIT: Oh and [diamond] for you, fellow Mac user!
  13. Offline

    The Oddler

    Wiiiii another Mac user [sheep] (ghehe, sheep are so funny :D)
    First of all thanks :p
    Secondly, it seems te be fixed :D I redownloaded the whole server, and now it works :D Had to change the path inside the .command file to the new location though (since I moved it from my desktop).
    Manually typing the command into terminal also works, but now the terminal stays open :D
    And thanks for the Application Monitor thing (although I think it's called Activity Monitor xD)

    Thanks all !
  14. Offline


    That it is, all those instructions were from my memory on my iPhone 4 :p
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