Filled Shops and robbery

Discussion in 'Plugin Requests' started by Gosintary, Jul 28, 2017.

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    I would like two plugins:

    Each will have a [filled] Tag if completed


    Plugin Name: StoreSteal

    Version 1.8

    What I want:
    I would like a plugin where the admin places a sign, so players can steal money.

    Sign format:

    Line# - What to put on line - lines purpose
    Line1 - [steal] - Shows that the player can steal from this sign
    Line2 - $#-$# - sets the ammount of money to be stolen,
    Line3 - # s/m/d/w/M/y
    Line4 - Blank - Nothing goes here

    Example sign
    Example Sign (open)
    1 d

    For line one. This just shows it is a steal sign, If the sign is complete correctly this line turns &4Red

    For line two. This line is the ammount of money stole. $1 will always give the player $1 where as putting $1-$10 will give the player a random ammount of money between $1 and $10 This line is invisable when correctly set up

    For line three. This is how often the sign can be robbed.
    Key (open)

    s= seconds
    m= mintues
    h = hours
    d= days
    w= weeks
    M= months
    y= years


    Plugin Name: Hiest

    Version 1.8

    What I want:

    I want a plugin where the player creates a robbable bank.

    The admin creates some signs. One sign he MUST create is the Heist sign.

    Heist Sign (open)

    Then he must create AT least one Deposit box sign
    Deposit box sign (open)

    Explanation of Heist sign

    Line one states it is a heist sign

    Line two is the name of the bank being robbed,(can be anything at all)

    Explanation of Deposit Box Sign

    Line one states its a deposit box, line two is bank being robbed, line three is an amount of money, where $1 will give the player $1 each time it is clicked and $1-$10 will give the player and amount of money between $1 and $10

    The Deposit box signs can only be used while the heist is active. The heist "Starts" when the heist sign is clicked, and "ends" when all the Deposit box signs of that bank have been clicked. The heist is active in between the time that the heist "starts" and "ends"

    Please let me know if you can do this!!!
  2. Offline


    What Economy Plugin are you using? Please post a link to your .jar file.
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  4. Offline


    I am on the Job :D
    Gosintary likes this.
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    @HotChocolate Great news! If you have any questions on anything ask

    Also for the Heist plugin, could you possibly make it so the admins do /heist copsspawn [bankname] and then when the player clicks on a deposit box sign, I spawns a zombie wearing projectile protection 4 diamond Helmet, projectial protection 4 iron chest, projectile protection 4 iron pants, and projectile protection 4 diamond boots?
  6. Offline


    Yes of course. Altough until now I only developed the first part with the shops.
    I also am a bit confused about you using three Economy Plugins.
    I guess that with those three enabled Vault will take over the other two.
    So I am basing your plugin on Vault.
    If I understood it wrong please correct me.
    (If I should'nt hook one of the Economy Plugins, you could tell me what command of which plugin your admins use to give a player money or take it away)
  7. Offline


    The command to give/takeaway money is /money give (user) (amount) and /money set (user) (amount)

    Use whatever method you think is best :)
  8. Offline


    Then I will use the command. It would basically like the Console used /money give <user> <random-amount>.
  9. Offline

    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    @HotChocolate Hook into Vault instead. Then you will support all economy plugins.
  10. Offline


    But then People would need to have Vault installed. Wouldn't it be easier if they just have change one line in the config where they enter the command for whatever plugin they are using?
  11. Offline

    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    @HotChocolate Servers with any form of economy will have that anyways.
  12. Offline


    I still think that giving players the option not to have Vault installed is a better approach.

    Btw: Your plugin is released now. (Though you might still have to wait for it to be approved):
  13. Offline


    @HotChocolate Thanks! It seems I failed to clearly explain the players permissions. I apologize for this. The permission shopsnrobbers.use should allow for starting heist, and I also missed that the heist also needs a delay between uses, so when it ends there is a delay between when it can be started again
    I am again sorry, thanks!
  14. Offline


    I will update the plugin during the day :D
  15. Offline


  16. Offline


    Just uploaded the new file and waiting for approval.
  17. Offline


    @HotChocolate sweet! I also think players wold like to change the prefix, if not all the messages. ;)

    You never said the command to set cops spawn on the plugins page, just and fyi, and what is it btw?

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 31, 2017
  18. Offline


    What do you mean with cops spawn?
  19. Offline


  20. Offline


    Ups I complete forgot about that :p I will add this in the next update.
  21. Offline


    xD ok thanks!
  22. Offline


    Added in Version 0.3
  23. Offline


    @HotChocolate love all the customization you added in! However the cops spawn does not seem to work? The command works, and It says I enabled the cops, but when I start the heist and open the boxes no cops spawn? Also it would be cool if you could hook into the api for The Real Dan's Player cop plugin(msg me for link) which I am allowed to lend you for API Purposes(stated on the main page), and add a level to the players current wanted level. Not sure how you set up the heist click but like this
    void onHeistStart(){
    //A variable to get who clicked the heist sign
    //All ur code to allow deposit boxes and stuff
    Something like that, haven't done bukkit in forever tho thats why im here
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