Shooting star particle

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by 360_, May 14, 2017.

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  1. Offline


    I have been trying to make a particle effect that acts like Disney Shooting star firework thats basicly dose the same thing as a Shooting star. Can anyone help me do this, with command blocks btw. Here is a picture of the shooting star
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    1. Find the particles you want for the main firework and the particles for the trail.
    2. Set up a scheduler so that it is a series of delayed tasks. What this does is, every tick, spawn a new particle for the main firework in one direction and add new particles for the trail. Every time it does this, it will call itself. Once the firework is in a block/ should be removed, cancel the task.
    3. If you want it to arc, create a Vector object. This represents the direction it should go. Start with a high Y that is equal to the X/Z. Every time the tick starts, decrease the Y. Remember to make sure to normalize the Vector and multiply it by the same constant each time, so it does not seem like the firework gets faster every tick.
  3. Offline


    I am not that advanced with command blocks but i will try
  4. Offline


    My mistake. I though this was in the Plugin Development forums. I'm not sure you can do this with particles. This would be easier and more efficient with plugins. Try make a plugin request.
  5. Offline


    there's a high chance it won't be made there.

    Ill leave this thread open just incase someone can find a way to do this
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