Plugin Help Setting Spawns per World with same Groups!

Discussion in 'Plugin Help/Development/Requests' started by Blockhead7360, Jan 18, 2016.

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    I am using Essentials (EssentialsSpawn) and GroupManager, and I am trying to have separate spawns for different worlds, but with the same groups mirrored.

    For example, I used /setspawn <group> in one world. So if they die, they will respawn at that location.

    However, if a person dies in another world, they respawn back at the first world.

    I want to have a /setspawn for one world, and a /setspawn for another world, so the groups will spawn in different places depending on the world they are in.

    These groups are mirrored in the group manager configuration file, and I would prefer not to change that. If the only way to do this is by making separate groups, I could, but it would take a long time to update everything with the new groups, and I was wondering if there was a way to do what I wrote above (about the /setspawn in different worlds).

    I also am using Multiverse for the multi worlds thing, incase I could do anything with that.

    Please help as soon as you can ;)
    - Blockhead7360
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