Set prefixes per permissions

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by AguilaAudaz, Oct 4, 2013.

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    Well this sounds, really "easy" but i CANT make the code, i dont understand this... if a player has a permission like "permission.normal" set a prefix on his name like a color, and if a player have "" set a different prefix, really i need help, if someone know how to do this please tell me :(


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    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 4, 2016
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    The easiest way to do this, would be to dispatch a command, and set the sender to the console... Just have the command be like ("pex user " + p.getName() + " prefix *insert the prefix here*");

    I don't remember by heart the exact method, but it is Bukkit. something. Just look for dispatch command or something along the lines of that.
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    AguilaAudaz Use the AsyncPlayerChatEvent, and check if the player has a permission. If so, player.setName("(Prefix)" + player.getName())
    Mathias Eklund likes this.
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