
Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by ItsJerry, Oct 16, 2012.

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    Does anyone know how to intercept a broadcast sent by the server/another plugin?

    For example: I want the SurvivalGames plugin to give a reward to the winning players after each round. So I would just wait for a "ServerBroadcastEvent" where it says something like: "ItsJerry won Survival Games in Arena 1". Then I would get the message sent, and take out the player name from the message to give him an item.

    Thanks in advance, Jerry
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    Moved to the plugin development forum. BukkitDev is not a forum for feedback on API's you'd like to see, and the folks in Plugin Development may be able to help you through your issues.

    If after discussion on this forum has completed, and the consensus is that an API is warranted, you can file a leaky ticket requesting the addition. Of course, PR's are always welcome if they follow the high standards the Bukkit team has.
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    or you could add the SurvivalGames plugin in the referenced libraries. I'm sure they have some sort of method you could pull to trigger code after a win.
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    I agree, try to use the methods first.

    Anyway I'm not sure if the server events could be used, like the ServerCommandEvent, or I'm not sure either if the server uses the PlayerChat events to display a message.

    You could try to check those first.
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