Server settings

Discussion in 'Bukkit Discussion' started by Psychokiller1888, Jan 27, 2013.

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  1. Hi all!

    I'm coming from L2jFree server development, a well known Lineage 2 server emulator team, where I have been developping for about 3 years. The project now stopped and I'm playing a bit on minecraft to kill time and enjoy building redstone things since a bit over a year.

    The reason of my topic is that back in time, at Lineage dev, we had the habit of making everything highly customizable through properties files, that user could just edit and change options, making the thousands of online servers unique (or not). You could basically change almost every official related part of the game to your taste, such as XP, SP, rates, drops, monsters whatever. The server pack was always distributed with retail like options by default. This is the part I don't see on bukkit dev. There's actually almost no options, where there could be thousands, like block hardness, players spd, atk spd, monster pdef, atk, atkspd, hp, hunger, day/night lenght etc etc etc.

    It's not at all for whining reasons I'm posting, the real point is: Is there a reason why you guys, don't add, while adding features, any properties? Again, i'm not critisizing, I also know that plugin usually take some of this part in charge. But any reasons it's not directly implemented? I'm asking that, cause for my point and my 3 players server, it's either I rewrite the core to load config files wherever I find something I could customise or I do it as a plugin. I didn't want to just start writting a plugin IF it's on purpose you guys don't let people customize that deep the gameplay.

    Thank you for reading and keep on the good work!
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