Server Offline Mode

Discussion in 'Bukkit Discussion' started by LibertasMens, May 14, 2011.

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  1. Offline


    I recently had the idea for an "offline mode" on a bukkit server.

    Basically, what would happen is the server would stay up and running, but anyone (except admins) would not be able to connect, and would receive some kind of "error" message when logging on that the server is down for maintenance or whatever you want it to say, or anyone connecting would instantly be kicked and receive a similar message.

    - Not sure if server error messages are customizable
    - I cannot code plugins. At all.

    Thoughts! Comments! Criticisms! War Stories!
  2. Offline


    Use a whitelist and remove anybody how isn't a admin?

  3. Offline


    Good idea - to answer your first problem yes, server messages are customizable :)

    Keep in mind that you can do the same thing youre talking of just by whitelisting the server :p
  4. Offline


  5. Offline


    jasonznack likes this.
  6. Offline


    I think a plugin would be great. You could go into maintenance mode, with the option to kick all non-mods/admins/ops and block further connections with a custom message.
  7. Offline


    To those who propose whitelisting: I would like one that leaves a message similar to McSignDoor.
    To Jasonznack: It should be a plugin, and should allow the server to remain running, such as for in-game maintenance.
    jasonznack likes this.
  8. Offline


    Will start tomorrow or the day after that.
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