Server Crashes then players lose items?!

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by nxtguy, Jul 27, 2012.

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    I'm having this problem lately where the server all of a sudden freezes.

    There is this error in the console.
    27.07 19:42:09 [Server] SEVERE at net.minecraft.server.NBTBase.b(SourceFile:77)
    27.07 19:42:06 [Server] SEVERE at net.minecraft.server.NBTTagByteArray.load(SourceFile:25)
    27.07 19:42:04 [Server] SEVERE java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space
    After the crash, players are complaining that some of their items are gone that were in their inventory.

    Here are my plugins:
    27.07 19:52:13 [Server] INFO Plugins (44): LagMeter, Orebfuscator, GroupManager, Ptweaks, WorldEdit, NoCheatPlus, NoSwear, Buycraft, PvPTime, War, Vault, CustomJoinMessage, Restarter, MobBountyReloaded, MyHome, ConsoleSay, WorldGuard, TreeAssist, SignColours, SimplyVanish, RAM, iConomy, AutoKick, OnTime, ReportRTS, CoreProtect, Permissions, LimitedCreative, Honeypot, BKCommonLib, N3W_TheEndAgain, FirstJoinPlus, SimpleSpleef, Votifier, AutoSaveWorld, AutoAnnouncer, Essentials, EssentialsSpawn, LWC, ChestShop, EssentialsChat, Residence, Factions, ResidenceSigns

    Does anyone have any suggestions to fix this? I'm unable to add more RAM. So any other options?
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    Each plugin can use up more RAM than others.
    To me, it sounds like your only 2 options are to either add more RAM, or remove some plugins.
  3. Offline


    What plugins do you recommend I remove?
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    Don't ask me. It all depends on each plugin and their configurations.
    How about you try it and do some of your own research?
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