Separate spawns per person

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by wdmc85, Jan 5, 2013.

  1. Offline


    Plugin category: SPAWNS

    Suggested name: SeperateSpawns

    What I want: I want to start a prison server, but instead of having a single spawn, I would have a ton of cells and each person that spawned would get put into a different cell. They could also be put two or three people per cell, depending what is dictated in the config file. The people would have permissions for the cell that they are in, but not for anyone else's cell. Once they spawn, that cell is theirs, they do not get another one, and they do not lose that cell. You can also set an overflow spawn, in case there are no more available cells to spawn in.You would not have permissions for the overflow spawn. you could have it link to world edit to select regions for the cells. This plugin could also be used for other servers if they wanted each player to have a house to themselves and they would automatically spawn there in their individual houses. The concept would be similar to the spawns of the hunger games plugins, where each player goes to the next spawn, only these would be permanent spawns. There could be a file created that contains the cells, their locations (X,Y,Z) and their owners, so you can manually edit if needed. Also, of you could make it so you could have a sign by the cell and the sign would get the cell number on the top level, and on the three levels below, there would be the cell owners' names.
    Sign format:
    [(cell number)]
    After typing the command to add a sign, the creator of the cell would right-click a sign and the sign would then be linked to the cell. this would be similar to the plugin "Jail" by Samkio with the signs.

    Ideas for commands:
    /seperatespawns setspawn [number of spawn] (to create a spawn point)
    /seperatespawns setoverflow (to create the overflow spawn)
    /seperatespawns addowner [name] (to manually give someone a cell)
    /seperatespawns addsign [number of spawn] (to link a cell to a sign by clicking the sign)
    /seperatespawns delsign [number of spawn] (to un-link a cell and sign by clicking)
    /seperatespawns delowner [name] (to remove a player's spawn, if he/she has been banned or for whatever reason they will not be needing it)
    /seperatespawns delspawn [number of spawn] (to delete a spawn point)
    /seperatespawns deloverflow (to delete the overflow spawn)

    Ideas for permissions:
    seperatespawns.spawn (so someone can add or remove a spawn)
    seperatespawns.overflow (so a person could add or remove the overflow spawn)
    seperatespawns.owner (so a person could add or remove people from the cell)
    seperatespawns.sign (so a person could link or un-link a sign to a cell)

    When I'd like it by: As soon as you can get it made :)

    sorry if it is too wordy, i am just trying to be specific, and give details, if you could make something that is along these lines it would be great

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 8, 2016
  2. Offline


    Use essentials. Go into the config.yml and find where the spawn section is
  3. Offline


    no, that is for groups, and/or setting the spawn of a person after he or she has joined the server. i want it so if you have 150 people on the server that each would automatically be given a different spawn point as soon as they join. Thanks for the advice though
  4. Offline


    can anyone do this?
  5. Offline


    I can start working on this ... I guess. It would be neat to have a Jail/Prison Server plugin. Who knows; you won't be the only one using it!

    I'll start working on it :)

    EDIT: Would you like this to be more of a Prisoner / Jail type plugin (like Prison Servers) or more of a separate spawnpoint per person type plugin?
    wdmc85 likes this.
  6. Offline


    which ever is easier for you, i would be using it for my prison, but if it would be easier to have it be a separate spawnpoint per person type plugin it would be good too. Thank you so much for deciding to make this!
  7. Offline


    No problem. I've recently have been losing my motivation to program. With more projects that should be done ASAP, I can regain it!

    Also, are the signs you've mentioned more for information? Are the signs used just to tell players who "lives" in this cell?
  8. Offline


    Yes, they just show who lives there, kind of like the Jail plugin by samkio if you want to see it. It would be updated as the spawns are assigned. Each cell would have a corresponding sign. Could you make it so you type a command to link the cell with the sign and click the sign with something, and then it would put in the cell number, and any cell owner(s) thanks again for making this, it is needed on my server, and no one was replying! thanks!
  9. Offline


    I can do something similar. When creating a spawn, I can make the /separatespawn command require a number (the cell number). The number will correspond to the sign. When creating a sign, the first line could be [Cell <number>]. When the sign is done, it will link the locations of the separate spawn and sign in the config, allowing it to automatically update ;)

    Might sound confusing, but it will be really simple when setting up :)
    wdmc85 likes this.
  10. Offline


    sounds good! Oh, and reading through this thread, if you meant like to make it a jail plugin such as a punishment plugin, that would not work as well because i wanted them to be like little areas that you have permission for and live in (possibly shared) and they could leave whenever, just wanted to clarify that :)
  11. Offline


    By Jail / prison I meant areas per player type plugin, not punishment :p
  12. Offline


    Oh ok good :) have you started writing it yet?
  13. Offline


    Yes. I've started.
  14. Offline


    when do you think that you will finish? is it difficult?
  15. Offline


    It shouldn't be difficult. I am working on various other projects ... both Bukkit Plugins and Applications. My goal is sometime this week.
  16. Offline


    Without copletely reading anything, heres an easy guide:
    Get Essentials and EssentialsSpawn (included in the .zip)
    Get GroupManager and set up the groups you want.
    Move the players you want to the groups you want.
    Do /setspawn <group> and everyone in the name you specified in <group> will spawn (and have their /spawn) there.
  17. Offline


    ok thanks, that sounds good :)

    no, i want each person to get their own spawn automaticly on joining, read the thread this has been suggested already, it does not work

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 8, 2016
  18. Offline


    Do what i wrote there, and get a plugin called LoginEcho.
    Make them to /spawn on login using that.
  19. Offline


    You misunderstood what he is trying to say. He wants to have multiple spawns (example: 20 different spawns). The first player who joins will be teleported to spawn 1. The second to spawn 2, and so on until the 20th player. If more than 20 players join, they will be sent to an overflow spawn (there will also be a config.yml option allowing the 21st player to be sent to spawn 1, 22nd to spawn 2, and so on through the loop).
    Additionally, he would like signs to be made for every spawn (to tell which players spawn in so and so place). He also wants to be able to add players manually to each sign.

    By the looks of it, Essentials, 20 groups in bPermissions or whatever permissions plugin, and LoginEcho probably won't cut it.
    wdmc85 likes this.
  20. Offline


    YES, exactly! Where did you learn java number1Master?
  21. Offline


    Have you thought about using plotme? You could costumize it into a prison theme, then use multiverse to connect the worlds, make a spawn where people can only do /plotme auto (you can block all other /plotme commands, and even change the command name)

    There is no need for more than one world, actually, plotme is the ideal plugin for such a prison server.
  22. Offline


    I learned from all over the internet. I started from thenewboston (YouTube name), yet that wasn't enough for me. I've read various tutorials online and watched various other videos to help me on small features. Keep in mind if you learn Java, it will take some time (it took me about 2 years before I was really good at it). Languages like HTML, though, are much easier than Java. HTML isn't exactly easy, but it is easier than Java.

    I guess that could work. It is more complicated though.
  23. Offline


    It's not complicated at all actually, I could set the settings this way in less than 30 mins ;D (and then that is in change for a super smart new style prison server ;))
    number1_Master likes this.
  24. Offline


    oh ok thanks, maybe i will check that out sometime

    Hey those videos are actually very helpful, thanks again for recommending them. How's the plugin coming?

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    number1_Master likes this.
  25. Offline


    Glad I can help!
  26. Offline


    I got a question. Would you like any other features prison servers might have, like protection, block logging (for automatic rank-ups), guard powers, etc.

    EDIT: By the way, most of the features have been coded. I just have to add signs (should be easy since I have experience with it) and clean up the code :)
    Due to time limitations, I probably will finish the plugin in a day or two. :)
  27. Offline


    I would like protections, and thanks I can't wait to try the plugin! :) (sorry the formatting of this post is screwed up, my phone keeps crashing when I try to do otherwise
    number1_Master likes this.
  28. Offline


    I'm currently testing the plugin for bugs. Sorry for the long wait. Had various things to do and a few distractions. The plugin should be officially released within a day or two (hopefully).
    wdmc85 likes this.
  29. Offline


    thanks that's great :)

    Will you put a link on this thread to get to it's page when it's released?

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    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 8, 2016
    number1_Master likes this.
  30. Offline


    i'm to lazy to read what every 1 has said but essentials has this all you do is /setspawn rankname and what ever rank that is they will spawn there

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