Inactive [SEC] PermissionsPlus v3.2.5p - Alternative commands to modify Permissions in-game now w/MWS [1337]

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by DigitalTyrant, Mar 20, 2011.

  1. Offline


    PermissionsPlus - Adds ability to modify Permissions in-game

    Updated: 10/6/2011
    Version: 3.2.5p [jar]
    CraftBukkit: [b1337jnks]
    PermissionsPlus adds commands to allow administrators the ability to modify their Permissions config from within Minecraft client. The most complete Permissions editing plugin for Bukkit. Supports Multi-World. Updated for MultiPlay!​
    REQUIRES: Permissions 3.x - Permissions Thread

    Includes: P2Aliases updated 10/6/2011


    Get updates on TWITTER!

    Installation and Usage information and Permissions nodes
    are available at


    It appears that I am not the only server admin that stuck to Permissions v2.7.4 so, I have released PermissionsPlusLegacy v2.4. It is a RB1000+ compatible version of PermissionsPlus v2.3. You can download this in the change log below.
    • You can specify multiple worlds separated using a comma. Do not use any spaces after the comma.
    • You can specify all worlds using an asterisk.
    • You can specify multiple groups using commas for the /user -addgroup command.
      /user -addgroup u:Username s:Group1,Group2,Group3
    • All Usernames and Groups can be shortened. You will be notified if more than one possible match is found.
      digital = DigitalTyrant, adm = Administrator
    • With 2.x+ you must add the info variable 'rank' to your groups in order to enable promote, demote and some group functions. You can set this variable from within the game using the command:
      /group -setinfo g:GroupName i:rank s:1-100+
                         /rankset GroupName 1-100+ world 
      The higher the number the higher the rank. Make sure you use i:rank and not i:Rank it is case-sensitive.
    • You can now set Promote and Demote limits. The Promote limit is the highest rank they can promote to. Demote limit is the highest limit that they can demote from. You can set these using the commands:
      /group -setinfo g:GroupName i:dlimit s:50
                         /group -setinfo g:GroupName i:plimit s:75 
    If you use want to Permissions + PermissionsPlus while using Essentials plugins, make sure you do not have FakePermissions or EssentialsGroupBridge enabled.

    Not sure how long this will be useful with Bukkit's upcoming Permissions system, but it allows the Moderators of my server to give new members access without having to modify the .yml file directly. I will continue development until the new Bukkit Permissions system has widely replaced Permissions plugin.
    Thanks to Nijikokun, original author of Permissions.

    Thanks and Enjoy!
  2. Offline


    PLEASE tell me that this can add individual permission nodes and its compatible with bPerms. If its not tell me how I could make it compatible or if you can make it work. This plugin is ESSENTIAL to my server and I recently moved over to bPerms for simplicity so if you could help me out I might just buy you a redbull or 2. :p
  3. Offline


    What version of CraftBukkit are you running?

    3.2.5p requires CraftBukkit 1240+

    I have never used bPerms. I will take a look. Red Bull is definitely the way to my heart haha

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 17, 2016
  4. Offline


    When will this be updated for #1137? I really need this update! :(

    Please Reply :l
    . . .
  5. Offline


    Can you add support for All World's

    Ex. /groupset Killer_Klownz Mod All
    or /groupset Killer_Klownz Mod w:All
  6. Offline


    you can use w:* or * for all worlds

    If you are referring to #1317 I will work on an update soon

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 17, 2016
  7. Offline


    I had a question:
    I want't add user to groups with /user -setgroup u:player s:group w:*
    But I don't want that Staffs and Moderatoren can set himself to Admins, or Staffs to Moderatoren. They only should set Gast to Spieler and Spieler to Gast. Can you say me,what permission nodes I must juse for moderatoren and staffs for my problem?
  8. Offline


    Hey, i have a problem. I set Broadcast: True but the messages just show up for me.
    No errors in the console. Btw great plugin! :D
  9. Offline


    as long as your ranks are defined correctly, nobody can "rank up" unless they are a server Op

    Thanks! I will do some testing.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 17, 2016
  10. Offline


    Sorry,what i've made wrong? I rank the Groups with the Command: /user -setinfo g:group i:1... w:*
    and in the Permission file are now a entry with '1': '' (one as example)
    But the Console say me:Group test does not a rank defined in world world
    Whats wrong?
  11. Offline


    bPerms has its own in-game commands for doing this, customisable in-game commands for doing this. Whut.
  12. Offline


    Thanks, hope you fix it :D
    This plugin helps alot! :)
  13. Hi,
    I installed Plus and it works but i have a "problem". I also have HeroChat installed. When i add someone to a group in game they retain their old status until i delete them from all other groups. It's a pain, is this supposed to be the norm?
  14. Offline


    I keep getting this for some reason. Its not a error, but I'm not sure how to fix it. Can you please help:

    00:02:33 [INFO] [P2] version 3.2.5p has been enabled.
    00:02:34 [INFO] [P2] Group Beggar does not have a rank defined in World world
    00:02:34 [INFO] [P2] Group Admin does not have a rank defined in World world
    00:02:34 [INFO] [P2] Group Moderator does not have a rank defined in World world
    00:02:34 [INFO] [P2] Group Builder does not have a rank defined in World world
    00:02:34 [INFO] [P2] Group Guest does not have a rank defined in World world
    00:02:34 [INFO] [P2] Group Director does not have a rank defined in World world
    00:02:34 [INFO] [P2] Group Operator does not have a rank defined in World world
    00:02:34 [INFO] [P2] Some groups do not have a rank defined, some commands are disabled.
    00:02:34 [INFO] [P2] Group Beggar does not have a rank defined in World world_nether
    00:02:34 [INFO] [P2] Group Admin does not have a rank defined in World world_nether
    00:02:34 [INFO] [P2] Group Moderator does not have a rank defined in World world_nether
    00:02:34 [INFO] [P2] Group Builder does not have a rank defined in World world_nether
    00:02:34 [INFO] [P2] Group Guest does not have a rank defined in World world_nether
    00:02:34 [INFO] [P2] Group Director does not have a rank defined in World world_nether
    00:02:34 [INFO] [P2] Group Operator does not have a rank defined in World world_nether
    00:02:34 [INFO] [P2] Some groups do not have a rank defined, some commands are disabled.
    00:02:34 [INFO] [P2] Group Beggar does not have a rank defined in World world_castle
    00:02:34 [INFO] [P2] Group Admin does not have a rank defined in World world_castle
    00:02:34 [INFO] [P2] Group Moderator does not have a rank defined in World world_castle
    00:02:34 [INFO] [P2] Group Builder does not have a rank defined in World world_castle
    00:02:34 [INFO] [P2] Group Guest does not have a rank defined in World world_castle
    00:02:34 [INFO] [P2] Group Director does not have a rank defined in World world_castle
    00:02:34 [INFO] [P2] Group Operator does not have a rank defined in World world_castle
    00:02:34 [INFO] [P2] Some groups do not have a rank defined, some commands are disabled.
    00:02:34 [INFO] [P2] Group Beggar does not have a rank defined in World default
    00:02:34 [INFO] [P2] Group Admin does not have a rank defined in World default
    00:02:34 [INFO] [P2] Group Moderator does not have a rank defined in World default
    00:02:34 [INFO] [P2] Group Builder does not have a rank defined in World default
    00:02:34 [INFO] [P2] Group Guest does not have a rank defined in World default
    00:02:34 [INFO] [P2] Group Director does not have a rank defined in World default
    00:02:34 [INFO] [P2] Group Operator does not have a rank defined in World default
    00:02:34 [INFO] [P2] Some groups do not have a rank defined, some commands are disabled.
    00:02:34 [INFO] [P2] Group Beggar does not have a rank defined in World world_guest
    00:02:34 [INFO] [P2] Group Admin does not have a rank defined in World world_guest
    00:02:34 [INFO] [P2] Group Moderator does not have a rank defined in World world_guest
    00:02:34 [INFO] [P2] Group Builder does not have a rank defined in World world_guest
    00:02:34 [INFO] [P2] Group Guest does not have a rank defined in World world_guest
    00:02:34 [INFO] [P2] Group Director does not have a rank defined in World world_guest
    00:02:34 [INFO] [P2] Group Operator does not have a rank defined in World world_guest
    00:02:34 [INFO] [P2] Some groups do not have a rank defined, some commands are disabled.

    I know these are the rank in my worlds and the worlds on my server but i dont know how to define a rank.
    thanks for your help - Nabakin
  15. Offline


    Yes,that is the same think I mean. I get the same "Error"
    Here is my question, and thats what I mean with :"The Console say me"

  16. Offline


    I am trying to install a permissions for this but i can't find out which one. Can you help me please?
  17. Offline


    Will you ever make one for GroupManager, or if there is one what's it called?
  18. Offline


    Here are my server log:
    2011-10-23 11:56:16 [SEVERE] null
    org.bukkit.command.CommandException: Unhandled exception executing command 'promote' in plugin PermissionsPlus v3.2.5p
    at org.bukkit.command.PluginCommand.execute(
    at org.bukkit.command.SimpleCommandMap.dispatch(
    at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftServer.dispatchCommand(
    at net.minecraft.server.NetServerHandler.handleCommand(
    at net.minecraft.server.NetServerHandler.a(
    at net.minecraft.server.Packet3Chat.a(
    at net.minecraft.server.NetworkManager.b(
    at net.minecraft.server.NetServerHandler.a(
    at net.minecraft.server.NetworkListenThread.a(SourceFile:108)
    at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.h(
    Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException
    at net.codej.permissionsplus.PermissionsPlus.getPath(
    at net.codej.permissionsplus.PermissionsPlus.loadConfigs(
    at net.codej.permissionsplus.PermissionsPlus.onCommand(
    at org.bukkit.command.PluginCommand.execute(
    ... 12 more
    What do i need to do :(
  19. Offline


    You should scan the page before you post a error report. It says in bold letters that you have to have Permissions 3.1.6 also installed to use PermissionsPlus you can get it here:
  20. Offline


  21. Offline


    so you have Permissions 3.1.6? Because it HAS to be that version. Check by opening up the permissions jar file with something like winrar or 7-zip and click on the file called plugin.yml and open it up with notepad or your favorite text editor, look where it says version and confirm that it is 3.1.6 if its not then download the new version if it is then I dont know.
  22. Offline


    Ok i get this but I have the groups how do it get fix and i dont have p2Aliases

    17:22:35 [INFO] [P2] version 3.2.5p has been enabled.
    17:22:36 [INFO] [P2] Group Moderator does not have a rank defined in World world
    17:22:36 [INFO] [P2] Group Owner does not have a rank defined in World world
    17:22:36 [INFO] [P2] Group nobuild does not have a rank defined in World world
    17:22:36 [INFO] [P2] Group Admins does not have a rank defined in World world
    17:22:36 [INFO] [P2] Group User does not have a rank defined in World world
    17:22:36 [INFO] [P2] Some groups do not have a rank defined, some commands are d
    17:22:36 [INFO] [P2] Group Moderator does not have a rank defined in World world
    17:22:36 [INFO] [P2] Group Owner does not have a rank defined in World world_net
    17:22:36 [INFO] [P2] Group nobuild does not have a rank defined in World world_n
    17:22:36 [INFO] [P2] Group Admins does not have a rank defined in World world_ne
    17:22:36 [INFO] [P2] Group User does not have a rank defined in World world_neth
    17:22:36 [INFO] [P2] Some groups do not have a rank defined, some commands are d
  23. Offline


    Hello Digital Tyrant !
    I'm running p2 v.2.3, because I prefer Permission 2.7 the newest , and recently, your plugin decided to stop loading, and y have the error :
    2011-10-19 20:32:31 [SEVERE] Error occurred while enabling PermissionsPlus v2.3 (Is it up to date?): console
    java.lang.NoSuchFieldError: console
        at net.codej.permissionsplus.PermissionsPlus.onEnable(
        at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.enablePlugin(
        at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftServer.loadPlugin(
        at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftServer.enablePlugins(
        at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.e(
        at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.a(
        at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.init(
    May you help me please ?

    N.B : My english is quite poor, so exuse me (I'm French)
  24. Offline


    Does this support bPermissions or PermissionsEx ??
  25. Offline


    No, both of those have built in ingame commands

    I actually still use v2.3 as well haha, I will probably release a v2.4 after I get some other coding out of the way. Long weekend :)

    @winter4w @General_Nono @blakewy

    Ranks must be established in order to take full advantage of the Promotion and Demotion system. To setup ranks, you need to specify an info variable namedrankfor each group. The number associated with each rank identifies it's position within the hierarchy. The higher the number, the higher the rank. If you want a group to be omitted from the promotion hierarchy you can assign it a negative rank and the plugin will effectively ignore this group. To set a rank for a specific group use the following command.
    /group -setinfo g:GroupName i:rank s:1 w:world
    /rankset GroupName 1 world
    Both commands are identical in that they perform the same function. The second is just a shortcut.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 17, 2016
  26. Offline


    All of a suddin it says internal error occured
  27. Offline


    Do like this

    info: Admins
  28. Offline


    /rankset Admins 99 World
    /rankset Moderator 75 World
    /rankset Member 25 World
    /rankset Guest 1 World

    or something of the sort. The higher the # you set the higher their rank is.
  29. Offline


    I did that it i got unknown command why did the permissions plus version before this work but this one dosent
  30. Offline


    can you help me i keep getting this when i try to start my server
    00:03:38 [SEVERE] Could not load 'plugins\PermissionsPlus.jar' in folder 'plugin
    s': Permissions
    org.bukkit.plugin.UnknownDependencyException: Permissions
    at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.loadPlugin(SimplePluginManager.
    at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.loadPlugins(SimplePluginManager
    at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftServer.loadPlugins(
    at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftServer.<init>(
    at net.minecraft.server.ServerConfigurationManager.<init>(ServerConfigur
    at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.init(
  31. Offline


    Yes you're right winter4w! I had the same Problem:Unknow Command-and its the same with /groupset-It works with the older Version but with the Latest I get this error.

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