Inactive [SEC] NoCheat v3.5.0 [CB 1.2.4 R1.0][ABANDONED]

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by Evenprime, Feb 15, 2011.

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    Xp10d3, Dereku, MyPictures and 35 others like this.
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    I know about that, but I won't add it to NoCheat, because it's not possible to activate/deactivate it once a player has joined the server. That would just confuse people. But I just saw I have not added it yet to the recommended plugins section of my OP. So I'll do that now.

    The good thing: I believe I can implement a workaround for the "build a tower below you during a lag spike and NoCheat may freak out" bug. May work, or not work. Would have to test it.

    The bad thing: Unless I sqeeze a bit of developement in on Tuesday (my birthday btw), I will not be able to work on NoCheat for the whole week, as I have an important appointment on Monday and go on holiday from Wednesday to Sunday. The new 1.8 minecraft will be also released during that time, so "I'm sorry", i guess. (There's no intention behind the timing of these events).

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 18, 2016
  4. Offline


    Hey, I just had an epiphany! NoCheat flyzones. allow player with nocheat.flying to only be able to do so in certain 'zones' or worlds. Set by people with nocheat.admin?
    I'd use it.
  5. Offline


    It is blocking it so that i cannot even fly. Any suggestions?
  6. Offline



    Hi there! thank for helping to keep my server cheat-free!

    I found this in my logs:
    2011-08-22 04:08:17 [SEVERE] Nag author: 'Evenprime' of 'NoCheat' about the following: This plugin is not properly shutting down its async tasks when it is being reloaded.  This may cause conflicts with the newly loaded version of the plugin
    another note: Happy Birthday tomorrow! Its my birthday as well :D.
  7. Offline


    This is one of the tabs I keep open in my browser permanently because you do so much work on it. I think we'll be ok if you need a week :p

    Oh, and Happy Birthday :D
  8. Offline


    I have to say, this is a brilliant plugin. It's invaluable on my server. However, one of my members recently showed me a clientside mod, that enabled him to build a schematic just by walking around the land. It beats NoCheat (Of course, I don't believe you have anything to go against it) but wondered if you would take a look at it: Thanks.
  9. Offline


    If the command "/nocheat -p playername" doesn't show "flying" (and maybe "moving"), then NoCheat got told by your Permissions plugin (or the lack of one) that you shouldn't be allowed to fly. Review your permission nodes, read the "instructions.txt", maybe you can find out what you did wrong.

    If the command "/nocheat -p playername" does show "flying" (and maybe "moving"), then NoCheat got told by your Permissions plugin (or the lack of one) that you should be allowed to fly and will let you fly. Something else is stopping you from flying then, likely another plugin.

    Pretty simple.

    Would be technically plausible to implement with the new NoCheat 2.0, but first I want to get that one with multiworld support up and working.

    That's a cool mod. There would be one thing possible to do, that is to prevent block placing if the player doesn't look at the correct side of the block that he is building against (or at least stands in the right place for it).

    Version 1.14d (for CB 1060)

    • Workaround for placing blocks below you while jumping

    I hope that workaround can't be exploited. But for now it's probably good to have it that way.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 18, 2016
  10. Offline


    Hey Im using PermissionsBukkit or is it called.. SuperPerms.. but anyway..

    if I want to, lets say a group "VIP" to fly, then in the VIP group, is the node this:

    nocheat.flying: true

  11. Offline


    My my, it seems my MinePrinter mod is famous.
  12. Offline


  13. Offline



    you can add full support to PermissionsBukkit?
  14. Offline


    Nothin like racing a speedhacker after installing NoCheat xD

  15. Offline


    Who has tested the NoCheat 1.14d version yet and tried the 1x1 block tower building? Did the situation improve with the new version, or do you still have the same problems?

    You are correct. That is the right permission node to let people fly. If you want to let them fly at higher speeds, you'll have to also give them:

    nocheat.moving: true

    But to get Superperms working at all with NoCheat, you'll first have to go to the config file "plugins/NoCheat/nocheat.yml" and change the option "newpermsystem:" to "true", to tell NoCheat to use Superperms.

    Same as above. NoCheat already supports SuperPerms and therefore PermissionsBukkit. You'll just have to set the option "newpermsystem:" to "true" in the config file "plugins/NoCheat/nocheat.yml", and NoCheat will exclusively use SuperPerms/PermissionBukkit as a source for Permissions.

    Pretty funny :)
  16. Offline


    Not sure, but i think since 1.14d is conflicting with xAuth ?
  17. Offline


    It is always conflicting with xAuth. I can't fix that on my side, unless xAuth changes something in their code. If people spawn above ground, they'll start to cause false positives.
  18. Offline


    I saw the warning in the first post, but i think it was AuthMe, not xAuth. Is it xAuth too?
  19. Offline


    Ah, sorry. Read too faast over that. I'll check if it conflicts with xAuth, brb.

    Checked their sourcecode. It shouldn't cause conflicts with NoCheat. What kind of problems do you experience?

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 18, 2016
  20. Offline


    No problem, we all read fast :-P

    Here's an example, if you need anymore info, just let me know

    2011-08-23 13:04:59 [INFO] LuisGomez [/] logged in with entity id 299924 at ([TemplarsKnights] -1439.78125, 8.0, 53.3125)
    2011-08-23 13:05:00 [INFO] [A] trollkemada: andas con lag
    2011-08-23 13:05:04 [INFO] [A] trollkemada: y eso hace que de mas falsos positivos
    2011-08-23 13:05:04 [SEVERE] NC: Moving violation: LuisGomez from TemplarsKnights (-1429.3, 72.0, 40.5) to (46.9, 64.0, -113.2) distance (1476.3, -8.0, 153.7)
    2011-08-23 13:05:09 [INFO] [xAuth] LuisGomez has logged in
  21. Offline


    Your workaround seems to have worked! We're correctly identifying flying and speed and not warning about 1x1 towers.
  22. Offline


    Nice to hear that :)

    <--- is on holiday for the next 5 days.
  23. Offline



    hi excuse me but when i set newpermssystem he say use op
  24. Offline


    Strange. Normally it would no longer show that warning, if you set "newpermsystem: "true"" in the config file. So I have now made a change to help you out:

    Version 1.14e (for CB 1060)
    • If "Permissions" isn't found, fall back to SuperPerms instead of "isOP()", because SuperPerms by itself already falls back to "isOP()" anyway.

    That means, you'll always get a message saying that NoCheat uses "SuperPerms", if it uses "SuperPerms", and if it can't find a "Permissions" plugin, it will fall back to "SuperPerms", instead of isOP() directly.

    This is an optional update for those that got problems getting NoCheat to use SuperPerms as a permissions provider. If you have no problems, just stick to 1.14d.
  25. Offline


    ITs tuesday, still on holiday? :p
  26. Offline


  27. Offline


    Evenprime: Can you Please make it possible to allow flying on one world, but not another? - multiworld integration :)
  28. Offline


    im using itemcraft with fancypack on my server and there is a block called road, it allows players to move at twice speed, but nocheat blocks that and spams the chat

    don't want to remove the movement-check :/
  29. Give people permission to fly on the worlds you want them to fly on. Problem solved.
  30. Offline


    Error! According to my server log from running /reload, "Nag author: 'Evenprime' of 'NoCheat' about the following: This plugin is not properly shutting down its async tasks when it is being reloaded. This may cause conflicts with the newly loaded version of the plugin"
  31. Offline


    2011-08-24 22:06:10 [SEVERE] Error occurred while enabling NoCheat v1.14e (Is it up to date?): PLAYER_VELOCITY
    java.lang.NoSuchFieldError: PLAYER_VELOCITY
        at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.enablePlugin(
        at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftServer.loadPlugin(
        at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftServer.enablePlugins(
        at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.e(
        at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.a(
        at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.init(
    Plugin works, except for this portion.

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