Inactive [SEC/MISC] Cenotaph 2.1.2 - A Dead Man's Chest plugin [1.2.5-R1.0/2149]

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by Southpaw018, Jun 5, 2011.

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    Cenotaph - A Dead Man's Chest plugin
    Version: 2.1.2

    Plugin Dependencies
    Lockette (Optional) OR LWC (Optional)

    Cenotaph is a fork of the most excellent Tombstone by Drakia. As he has stopped development, I decided to take it up and add some features I wanted (and that some users on the forums have requested).

    Download, Source, and Bug Reports/Feature Suggestions

    What's a Cenotaph?
    A Cenotaph is a monument to a dead person who is either buried elsewhere or whose body is not available for burial. If you think about it, it exactly fits the situation - there's no body, since you've respawned ;)

    When your players die, depending on how you have things set up, their items will be placed in a Dead Man's Chest for safekeeping. You can require that your players carry around chests and signs of their own at all times, or simply have the chests appear on death. You can also secure the chests with LWC3 or Lockette.

    More specifically:
    Show Spoiler

    • If the player is carrying a chest when they die, place that chest and fill it with as much of their inventory as possible
    • If the player is allowed, and is carrying two chests, a large chest will spawn to catch all of their inventory
    • Possible for specific groups/players to be given free chests with no need to carry one with them
    • Any items that won't fit in the chest will still drop to the ground!
    • Supports the Permissions plugin, will default to allowing everyone to use basic cenotaph if not available
    • Supports LWC for chest AND sign protection if it is installed
    • Supports Lockette for chest protection if it is installed
    • Configurable timeout for LWC unprotection
    • Configurable timeout for destruction of cenotaphs, works in unloaded chunks as well
    • Quickloot support, right click the sign on a cenotaph to loot all items in it (your chest only!)
    • Place a sign on top of the chest stating the players name and time of death
    • The ability to point your compass at your cenotaph
    • Customizable sign messages on the cenotaph
    • Admin commands for management

    Coming Soon

    See what's coming soon, report bugs, and add your own requests on the Github project!
    1.3: Initial public release, Lockette support
    1.4: General features and bug fixes, round 1
    1.5: Plugin organization
    1.6: Additional features
    2.0: Brought back from the dead after 5 months of inactivity, updated for Release
    2.1: Highly requested features
    2.2: Major cleanup, Towny integration
    2.3: Economy integration
    2.4: More feature requests

    See the default config file on Github for annotations and explanations.

    Config notes
    • If you are going to be giving your players a free chest/sign, but don't want them to be able to retrieve those as extra items, set the noDestroy option in the Cenotaph config file.
    • If you do set the noDestroy option, it is highly recommended that you set a timeout for Cenotaph removal, because even once LWC is disabled the chest is still not destroyable by any means other than quicklooting it or an admin with permissions breaking it.
    • With noDestroy enabled, if a player dies without a sign, then their chest will be indestructible until it is removed by Cenotaph itself.
    • It is not recommended to use the noDestroy option without the destroyQuickLoot option

    Show Spoiler
    cenotaph.use - Allow the player/group to use the cenotaph plugin
    cenotaph.freechest - Allow the player to get a chest whether they are carrying a chest or not
    cenotaph.large - Allow the player to spawn a large chest if carrying two chests and if one will fit
    cenotaph.lwc - Protect the placed chest if LWC is enabled
    cenotaph.lockette - Protect the placed chest if Lockette is enabled
    cenotaph.sign - Whether the player gets a sign on their cenotaph chest
    cenotaph.freesign - Allow the player to get a free sign whether they are carrying one or not.
    cenotaph.freelockettesign - Give the player an additional free sign for Lockette
    cenotaph.quickloot - Whether to allow a player/group to quickloot by right clicking the cenotaph sign.
    cenotaph.cmd.cenotaphlist - Allow this user to use /cenlist
    cenotaph.cmd.cenotaphfind - Allow this user to use /cenfind
    cenotaph.cmd.cenotaphtime - Allow this user to use /centime
    cenotaph.cmd.cenotaphreset - Allow this user to use /cenreset

    cenotaph.admin - Allow this user to physically destroy others' cenotaphs. Also a prerequisite for use of the other admin commands
    cenotaph.admin.list - Allow this user to see all cenotaphs
    cenotaph.admin.find - Allow this user to find any cenotaph
    cenotaph.admin.time - Allow this user to check the time left on any cenotaph
    cenotaph.admin.remove - Allow this user to destroy any cenotaph

    @Drakia: Cenotaph was originally Tombstone, by Drakia (TheDgtl). Many thanks to him for his hard work on the original plugin.
    @Acru: Thanks to Acru, the developer of Lockette, as well. His help getting the Lockette integration working as I stumbled by way though picking up Java was invaluable. :)

    Show Spoiler

    /cenlist - List all your cenotaphs
    /cenfind <index> - Gives you a direction from your current location to your cenotaph and sets your compass to point at it
    /centime <index> - Tells you how much time is left before the specified cenotaph has its protection remove or it breaks
    /cenreset - Reset compass to point to spawn

    /cenadmin list - List all players who have cenotaphs spawned
    /cenadmin list <playerCaseSensitive> - List all cenotaphs belonging to <player>
    /cenadmin find <playerCaseSensitive> <index> - Show details on <player>'s cenotaph <index>
    /cenadmin remove <playerCaseSensitive> <index> - Destroys <player>'s cenotaph <index> and drops its contents on the ground
    /cenadmin time <playerCaseSensitive> <index>
    /cenadmin version - Show current version of Cenotaph and check for a new version

    Version 2.1.2
    *Optimized break override options (keepUntilEmpty and breakWhenEmpty)
    *Add death messages for beta 1.8 monsters (Finally...yikes. Sorry, everyone.)
    *Work around an error caused by missing or invalid deathMessage entries (Thanks, ffkhrocks)
    Version 2.1.1
    *Fix issue loading .db save files from pre-2.1 versions (Thanks, Inscrutable)
    Version 2.1
    *Added option for level-based time removal
    *Added requirement for Lockette sign to be carried in inventory (free sign permission available)
    *Added option to disable in specific worlds by name
    Show Spoiler

    Version 2.0
    *Updated listeners to new Bukkit API
    *Updated config to new Bukkit API
    *Removed support for Nijikokun's old Permissions plugin
    *Updated to latest LWC API
    *Added cenadmin reload command
    Version 1.6.6
    *Fixed NullPointerException when using defaults for deathMessages instead of the values in the config file
    *Added config check to /cenadmin version
    *Fixed bug with break messages always displaying at original timeout when quicklooted
    Version 1.6.5
    *Fixed a few additional bugs
    *Fixed conflict with Spout under CB1060
    Version 1.6.4
    *Add Bukkit Superperms
    *Remove deprecated Bukkit method getFace()
    *Merging some of Drakia's recent Tombstone fixes
    -Fix clearing of player's cenotaph list on quickloot
    -Fix LWC API error
    Version 1.6.3
    *Customizable death messages for signs
    *Customizable time and date formats for signs
    Version 1.6.2
    *Option to remove cenotaphs once they are empty, regardless of other settings
    *Option to keep cenotaphs UNTIL they are empty, regardless of other settings
    *Fixed bug allowing players to break into Lockette-protected cenotaphs
    Version 1.6.1
    *Security options now apply to both Lockette and LWC (requires config.yml update)
    *New command: /centime, /cenadmin time
    Version 1.6.0
    *Updated for Craftbukkit RB1000
    *Fixed customizable signs
    *Added admin commands
    Version 1.5.4
    *Customizable signs (Thanks to @Drakia for his death cause code)
    Version 1.5.3
    *Re-enable compass integration (Thanks, @Zarius!)
    *Build against Craftbukkit RB953
    *Build against LWC 3.3
    *Build against Permissions 3
    Version 1.5.2
    *Fix bug causing Cenotaph to throw an error on enable if the folder containing config.yml did not exist
    *Fix bug where the Void check was only working if the player died in the Void above the world and not below
    Version 1.5.1
    *Fix bug allowing a free sign if Lockette sign was broken off a chest
    Version 1.5.0
    *Fix config file handling - no more needless file overwrites
    *Gracefully handle missing or invalid config files by downloading a fresh commented copy
    *Create config file versioning system to avoid errors with updates
    Version 1.4.4
    *Added config version check
    *Final 1.4 release
    Version 1.4.3
    *Basic protection against creeper explosions, disabled by default
    Version 1.4.2
    *Option to disable the void check for servers that have other plugins to handle it
    *Minor code changes
    Version 1.4.1
    *Now checks for updates on server startup
    Version 1.4.0
    *Do not attempt to create chests in the Void
    Version 1.3.2
    *Configuration cleanup and changes, bug fixes for initial public release
    Version 1.3.1
    *Add Lockette support
    Version 1.3
    *Convert from Tombstone to Cenotaph
  2. Offline


    I am using a devbuild of bukkit atm and I notice that when I die with an enchanted item in my inv, retrieving the items from a chest removes the enchantment :(
  3. Offline

    Don Redhorse

    I think that is a bug of bukkit..

    on a side note:

    ok.. I have an alpha of DeathTpPlus ready which includes TombStone and Tomb support... so it will not be long till this can be released. I'm already updating the project pages.

    If somebody wants to try it let me know.
  4. Offline


    Is that the only version we should use with 1.0? If so, I'd be happy to test it for ya.
  5. Offline

    Don Redhorse

    yeah... all the others are "old".. :)

    it doesn't has anything special in it for 1.0 though atm... (no new mobs etc).. but 3.0 is the current build for 1337 and 3.1 is in dev build stages.. don't know if it will be for a cb of mc 1.0... problem is the new mobs.. I can't integrate them without loosing backwards compability and I will not code 2 different versions..
  6. Offline


    It realy need an udpate..
  7. Offline


    "Supports the Permissions plugin, will default to allowing everyone to use basic cenotaph if not available"

    How do I set the default as denying everoyne use of Cenotaph unless given permission?
  8. Offline


    Is it working for the 1.0? If so are there any bugs?
  9. Current Issues:
    Protections are not releasing
    Players can't destroy their own chests
  10. Offline


    What are the bloody nodes? :L You put that its compatable with permissions, but there's no nodes.
  11. Offline

    Don Redhorse

  12. Offline


    When people die, it shows the time.... but it's UTC , I want GMT, how do I change this?
  13. Offline

    Don Redhorse

    are you asking for cenotaph?
  14. Offline


  15. Offline

    Don Redhorse

    well that one is kinda.... dead... try deathtpplus
  16. Offline


    As soon as i get a chance im gonna update my version of the plugin and prob start a new forum thread for it.
  17. Offline

    Don Redhorse

    would be nice... I used your source as a base... nicely done... looking forward to it..
  18. Offline


    Looking forward to it, I have a couple things you might want to know about bug-wise concerning the cenotaph 1.6.6. Start a convo with me if you'd like, or join the Towny IRC and pm me.
  19. Offline


    I have a error.what should i do?
    01:00:14 [SEVERE] Could not pass event ENTITY_DEATH to Cenotaph
            at com.MoofIT.Minecraft.Cenotaph.Cenotaph$eListener.getCause(
            at com.MoofIT.Minecraft.Cenotaph.Cenotaph$eListener.createSign(
            at com.MoofIT.Minecraft.Cenotaph.Cenotaph$eListener.onEntityDeath(
            at org.bukkit.plugin.RegisteredListener.callEvent(
            at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.callEvent(
            at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.event.CraftEventFactory.callPlayerDeathEvent(
            at net.minecraft.server.EntityPlayer.die(
            at net.minecraft.server.EntityLiving.damageEntity(
            at net.minecraft.server.EntityHuman.damageEntity(
            at net.minecraft.server.EntityPlayer.damageEntity(
            at net.minecraft.server.EntityLiving.b(
            at net.minecraft.server.EntityHuman.b(
            at net.minecraft.server.Entity.a(
            at net.minecraft.server.EntityPlayer.b(
            at net.minecraft.server.NetServerHandler.a(
            at net.minecraft.server.Packet10Flying.a(SourceFile:126)
            at net.minecraft.server.NetworkManager.b(
            at net.minecraft.server.NetServerHandler.a(
            at net.minecraft.server.NetworkListenThread.a(SourceFile:108)
            at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.w(
  20. Offline

    Don Redhorse

    • use deathtppplus or wait for @furt update of this code
    • not use essentials suicide, death or lightning commands
    • post more information but I think even than we can't help you as this plugin is DEAD atm..
  21. Offline


    Proper bug reporting would help alot.
    At least tell how to recreate the error and what plugins u use.
  22. Offline

    Don Redhorse

    probably suicide from essentials or one of the new monsters... btw: take a look at my code.. yeah I made quite some changes but perhaps it helps..
  23. Offline


    Alright ill check it out
  24. DeathTpPlus works perfectly. I guess this plugin can go on Inactive then.
  25. Offline

    Don Redhorse

    why? if furt want's to resurrect it is is fine... people not wanting the other features and bugs... cough... could stick to it.

    Also it is alot easier for him to make changes to the code as for me as I still need to refactor a lot to make the 3 plugins I mixed together work also internally nicely so that feature requests don't take hours to implement.

    he could also of course fork my project and make pull requests which I would gladly accept... mung3r is also helping from time to time..
  26. Offline


    *pokes head into the thread* So...uh. Hi. =\


    I'm sorry, guys. And, frankly, embarrassed. Cenotaph's a wreck. I promised to be a "great" steward of BlueTelepads and then vanished. Ugh. :(

    Let me see what I can do to make it up to you, and the community. I won't give you excuses, but please accept "holy f*ck sh*t got crazy" as an explanation. Bonus? I get a minion at work now.
    Inscrutable likes this.
  27. Offline


    No explanation needed for me, I'm still using Cenotaph and even had a couple cenotaphs' lockette protection auto-unlock in the last couple weeks.

    Nice to see you back.
  28. Offline


    Thanks, LlmDl. You've been a stalwart supporter, and it sincerely means a lot.

    PLEASE CONSIDER THIS A SOLID BETA VERSION. I haven't tested it as much as I'd like, but its basic features are working with the latest dev Bukkit and MC 1.1.

    Let me know of any bugs - my server is exceptionally quiet these days, and I don't have much to test on, but I've made a
    commitment to the community, and I intend to keep it.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 16, 2016
  29. Offline

    Don Redhorse

    nice to see you back, if you need help just ask
  30. Offline


    Welcome back!
  31. Offline


    Glad to see you back! BlueTelepads may still be revived then?

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