[SEC/MECH/FUN] PreciousStones - Block Area Proteciton System [BukkitDev]

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Releases' started by phaed, Jan 18, 2011.

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  2. Offline


    Weird, i've just recompiled, tested it and it loads. Maybe it was a bad compile. Please redownload and try again.
  3. okay

    edit: OK, plugins loaded !!! I make test

    YESSS !!!!! That good works!!! / ps setowner OK / ps save OK it is good:)

    2011-02-27 12:28:42 [INFO] [PreciousStones] loaded 0 unbreakable blocks
    2011-02-27 12:28:42 [INFO] [PreciousStones] loaded 1 forcefield blocks
    2011-02-27 12:28:42 [INFO] [PreciousStones] version [2.4] loaded
    2011-02-27 12:28:42 [INFO] Done (1086685420ns)! For help, type "help" or "?"
    2011-02-27 12:29:16 [INFO] 143 recipes
  4. Offline


    I seem to be running into a problem like this. I haven't tested it too far but basically some how random blocks (sand, dirt, wool) are turning indestructible. So far I've tried removing the PS then trying to remove the blocks, no go, I tried taking the server down, removing the plugin and all related files then tried to remove the block, and that seems to work. I know with Multiverse there can be issues where you loose basically all permissions to do anything in a world until you warp out and back into a world. I did try this every time. It seems that the plugin has to be removed to be able to remove the indestructible blocks. This is a tiny personal server I play on (only 3 people play at most) and I was the only person using precious stones and I have the bypass in my permissions so I'm kinda stuck. I really like this plugin but I can't have it creating indestructible block randomly. I do use GroupManager with "fake permissions", not sure if that would make a difference. Any thoughts?
  5. Offline


    I've already replied to this. It is not a PS problem or GM problem. It is a craftbukkti problem. Version 440 fixed this, read the change description:

  6. Offline


    Thanks, I saw your response above but wasn't sure if it was a confirmed craftbukkit issue. I'll have to update when I get home.

    Thanks again, loving your plugin.
  7. Offline


    hey I dont get how to use this whenever I try and use /ps setowner the console dosent recognise the command?
  8. Offline


    PLAYER_COMMAND is now deprecated, so commands from this plugin no longer work in newer CB versions.
    Needs an update.

    Also, in all of my tests before it was broken, I was entirely unable to remove players from allowed lists.
  9. Offline


    Just got this on build 44o, and then the server was stuck! (dropped all clients and no connections possible)
    2011-02-28 00:52:03 [SEVERE] java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Health must be between 0 and 200
    2011-02-28 00:52:03 [SEVERE]    at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.entity.CraftLivingEntity.setHealth(CraftLivingEntity.java:39)
    2011-02-28 00:52:03 [SEVERE]    at net.sacredlabyrinth.Phaed.PreciousStones.managers.EntryManager$1.run(EntryManager.java:63)
    2011-02-28 00:52:03 [SEVERE]    at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.scheduler.CraftScheduler.mainThreadHeartbeat(CraftScheduler.java:122)
    2011-02-28 00:52:03 [SEVERE]    at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.h(MinecraftServer.java:326)
    2011-02-28 00:52:03 [SEVERE]    at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.run(MinecraftServer.java:253)
    2011-02-28 00:52:03 [SEVERE]    at net.minecraft.server.ThreadServerApplication.run(SourceFile:366)
    2011-02-28 00:52:03 [SEVERE] Unexpected exception
    java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Health must be between 0 and 200
            at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.entity.CraftLivingEntity.setHealth(CraftLivingEntity.java:39)
            at net.sacredlabyrinth.Phaed.PreciousStones.managers.EntryManager$1.run(EntryManager.java:63)
            at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.scheduler.CraftScheduler.mainThreadHeartbeat(CraftScheduler.java:122)
            at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.h(MinecraftServer.java:326)
            at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.run(MinecraftServer.java:253)
            at net.minecraft.server.ThreadServerApplication.run(SourceFile:366)
  10. Offline


    Are you adding a player name after the command?

    /ps setowner Phaed
    --- merged: Feb 28, 2011 2:58 AM ---
    Fixed on 2.5
    --- merged: Feb 28, 2011 2:58 AM ---
    Thanks for the heads up
    --- merged: Feb 28, 2011 7:14 AM ---
    • Refined save code
    • Old save files stored in PreciousStones/old folder
    • Can /ps disable and /ps enable the placement of pstones
    • Fixed /ps remove
    • Brought back /ps allowall
    • Brought back /ps removeall
    • Added /ps who
    • Added /ps allowed
    • /ps setname no longer sets non-nameable fields
    • Fixed up /ps menu (items only show to the players who have the permissions)
    • Added setting allowed-can-break-pstones so that allwoed players can remove pstones
    • Hides /ps setname command if none of the pstones in settings file are nameable
    • Fixed bug where it wouldnt recognize GroupManager if it before it
    • General code improvements
    Big update, many bugs fixed. Works with 432 and 440. Please update your pstones.
  11. Offline


    (I've stopped running Bukkit, so I don't know the numbers, but...) I downloaded the "latest versions" on the day of the comment you quoted.

    Nvm trying with new versions. I was using
    cb; 432
    ps; 2.3
  12. Offline

    SweetCraft Girl

    Replacing that World folder, replaced the chunk & .dat files for the location and fixed the issue. Will post 2.5 results! :D
  13. Offline


    craftbukit build 471

    get the following error
    granted this isnt a RB build but we already had to go up to 450 for another plugins so we thought what the hell lets goto 471 (there seemed to be a lot of fixes listed before it lol) but with the rb build being so far behind the latest build i suspect a new Rb soon

    Love the plugin by the way (when its working lol)
  14. Offline


    Sort of works, but not really... the "/ps save" writes it down in the "fields.tmp" file. But I get this message in my batch file (command prompt):
    [SEVERE] [PreciousStones] Could not backup the current forcefields.txt
    The only way for the field to stay, whenever I save or restart the server, is for me to open the "fields.tmp" file and copy the code into the "forcefields.txt" file.

    Should I just upload my server settings and everything (except for the map) so you can check it out?

    Currently running:
    CF 440 (MC 1.3)
    PS 2.5
    Permissions 2.0
  15. Offline


    This means that precious stones did not have the permissions to create the PreciousStones/old directory.
    if youre on linux chmod 775 the plugins/PreciousStones/ directory. or create the plugin/PreciousStones/old directory yourself.
    --- merged: Feb 28, 2011 8:19 PM ---
    That version of craftbukkit is not yet supported. The most recent recomemded build is 440, so most mayor plugin devs are only spporting the recommended builds. That erro you got means the PLAYER_COMMAND event no longer exists. This is somethign the bukkit team did that broke all plugins.​
  16. Offline


    yep i know its not supported yet, But given the last rb was 3 days ago and not even on the list anymore i would say a new rb should be right around the corner

    the PLAYER_COMMAND being messing is that an intential thing by the bukkit team or an accidential one (cant see anything in the change logs) if its an intential change then will you be able to update for it ? if its an unentential undocumented feature (or bug as sometimes called) then with luck it will be changed soon :)
  17. Offline


    It is fully intentional, they replaced it with onCommand (or something like that, I forget the exact syntax, but it's generalized), which can be used for more than just players firing the command.
    It makes for much less redundant code, but as we can see, causes issues when plugin devs haven't updated :p

    This is the only one out of my server's 30-odd plugins that isn't updated yet. I can't figure how that factors into "most major plugin developers".
    That new hook is even supported in 440 as far as I know, so it's not as though you'd be forcing us to update past the RB if we haven't.
  18. Offline


    Intentional, the way commands are handled has compeltely changed.
  19. Offline


    yikes not an easy one to fix then

    on the plus side its only broken 3 of our plugins, yours being the most important of the three, the other two (travel portals which we havent got any set up yet, and iconomy....lets face it a strong gust of wind breaks that plugin its so all over the place)
  20. Offline


    I'm goign to see if i can release a version tonight
  21. Offline


    cool, thank you.
  22. Offline


    would it be possible to make the forcefields delete when the block is broken?
  23. Offline


    Hey i love this addon, but im having some issues i am using the right craftbukkit version 440, sometimes it crashs my server (rare forgot to get the code so i know theres not much you can do) but the more important issue is it seems to stop working all of a sudden after i leave my server running, the forcefields already implemented still work but creating new ones does not work and the healing/damage blocks also stop working, also sometimes it doesent let users place force feilds if there is chest or work station or anything like that around its kinda annoying... any help i love this addon
  24. Offline


  25. Offline


    Let me know if you are getting this with 2.5. Some users were experiencing their save files being cleaned out by themselves. This should be fixed in 2.5.

    You can change this in the configuration, empty out the unprotectable-blocks list.
    --- merged: Mar 1, 2011 12:46 AM ---
    Thats how it is by default.
    --- merged: Mar 1, 2011 12:47 AM ---
    Oh, very nice. Definetly going to add this to my server, and see about supporting it. Thanks for the tip ;)
  26. Offline


    I'll try doing that on my Linux server.

    However, I downloaded the whole server files to my PC (Win7 64bit) and I still get the same problems. I have made sure EVERYTHING isn't set to "Read Only", I even run the .bat file as "Run as Administrator". I have tried deleting the "old" folder, making a new "old" folder, and even let PS make it's own "old" folder. Still doesn't work. It's driving me up the wall... I love this plugin, but can't get it working anymore... [​IMG]

    I freshly built a mini-server to run off my PC again. Re-downloaded Craftbukkit 440, Permissions 2.0, and PreciousStones 2.5. It still doesn't work. I'll zip it up, and send it. Hopefully you can check it out to see what I'm doing wrong.
  27. Offline


    How does prevent-unprotectable work per node? If chests are unprotectable by default, the protection does not work whether I toggle the flag true or false with I try to place a field where a chest already is.
  28. Offline


    when starting the server i get : could not backup the current forcefeilds.txt
    when closing the server after ive placed a force feild i get: [precious stones] saving forcefeilds.txt then could not backup current forcefeilds.txt . and all my force feilds no longer work when i get my server back on this is with version 2.5
  29. Offline


    Two different protections. The unprotectable-blocks list will prevent unbreakable blocks form being placed touching any of the blocks in the list. The prevent-unprotectable flag will prevent those same blocks from being placed inside the force field that the flag is set on.
    --- merged: Mar 1, 2011 2:05 AM ---
    Im getting many people with this same report, ill fix this by 2.6 which i will release tonight.
    --- merged: Mar 1, 2011 2:05 AM ---
  30. Offline


    Woot! Thanks dude! This is by far my favorite plugin for Bukkit! Please never give up with PS. It's so incredibly awesome! Once you finish 2.6, I'll give it a try ASAP and report back.
  31. Offline


    also i know this isent a major issue just thought id mention it paintings/pictures dont get protected.
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