[SEC/FUN] Factions 2.0.0 - Guilds, War and user-controlled antigrief [BukkitDev]

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Releases' started by MassiveCraft, May 29, 2011.

  1. Offline


    Yes, you already posted that. Did you try what I just asked you and add factions.create permission to the admin group?
  2. yes i tried. doesnt work
  3. Offline


    Im wondering when does this be able for MC 1.2.3??
  4. Offline


    Read the posts -- it DOES work for 1.2.3.

    My issue is with Factions/WorldGuard -- I am using factions to control the interior of cities on my server, but I would like to define regions within the faction territory the owners of which are exempt from the factions checks.
    Would it be possible to allow WorldGuard to override Factions in such a situation, because I want to allow people to buy plots etc. within the city.
  5. Offline


    Hey i am working on a server and i would like to use factions but when i set it up so that a certain group wont be able to make factions they still can i am using group manager.
  6. This plugins is really awesome!
  7. Offline


    here is config file
      "baseCommandAliases": [
      "allowNoSlashCommand": true,
      "colorMember": "GREEN",
      "colorAlly": "LIGHT_PURPLE",
      "colorNeutral": "WHITE",
      "colorEnemy": "RED",
      "colorPeaceful": "GOLD",
      "colorWar": "DARK_RED",
      "powerPlayerMax": 10.0,
      "powerPlayerMin": -50.0,
      "powerPlayerStarting": 0.0,
      "powerPerMinute": 0.7,
      "powerPerDeath": 9.0,
      "powerRegenOffline": true,
      "powerOfflineLossPerDay": 0.0,
      "powerOfflineLossLimit": 0.0,
      "powerFactionMax": 0.0,
      "prefixAdmin": "Admin_",
      "prefixMod": "Mod_",
      "factionTagLengthMin": 3,
      "factionTagLengthMax": 12,
      "factionTagForceUpperCase": false,
      "newFactionsDefaultOpen": false,
      "factionMemberLimit": 0,
      "newPlayerStartingFactionID": "0",
      "showMapFactionKey": true,
      "showNeutralFactionsOnMap": true,
      "showEnemyFactionsOnMap": true,
      "canLeaveWithNegativePower": true,
      "factionOnlyChat": true,
      "chatTagEnabled": false,
      "chatTagRelationColored": true,
      "chatTagReplaceString": "[FACTION]",
      "chatTagInsertAfterString": "",
      "chatTagInsertBeforeString": "",
      "chatTagInsertIndex": 1,
      "chatTagPadBefore": false,
      "chatTagPadAfter": true,
      "chatTagFormat": "%s§f",
      "factionChatFormat": "%s:§f %s",
      "allianceChatFormat": "§d%s:§f %s",
      "autoLeaveAfterDaysOfInactivity": 10.0,
      "autoLeaveRoutineRunsEveryXMinutes": 5.0,
      "removePlayerDataWhenBanned": true,
      "worldGuardChecking": false,
      "lwcIntegration": false,
      "onUnclaimResetLwcLocks": false,
      "onCaptureResetLwcLocks": false,
      "logFactionCreate": true,
      "logFactionDisband": true,
      "logFactionJoin": true,
      "logFactionKick": true,
      "logFactionLeave": true,
      "logLandClaims": true,
      "logLandUnclaims": true,
      "logMoneyTransactions": true,
      "homesEnabled": true,
      "homesMustBeInClaimedTerritory": true,
      "homesTeleportToOnDeath": false,
      "homesRespawnFromNoPowerLossWorlds": true,
      "homesTeleportCommandEnabled": true,
      "homesTeleportCommandEssentialsIntegration": true,
      "homesTeleportCommandSmokeEffectEnabled": true,
      "homesTeleportCommandSmokeEffectThickness": 3.0,
      "homesTeleportAllowedFromEnemyTerritory": true,
      "homesTeleportAllowedFromDifferentWorld": true,
      "homesTeleportAllowedEnemyDistance": 100.0,
      "homesTeleportIgnoreEnemiesIfInOwnTerritory": true,
      "disablePVPBetweenNeutralFactions": false,
      "disablePVPForFactionlessPlayers": false,
      "enablePVPAgainstFactionlessInAttackersLand": true,
      "noPVPDamageToOthersForXSecondsAfterLogin": 0,
      "peacefulTerritoryDisablePVP": true,
      "peacefulTerritoryDisableMonsters": false,
      "peacefulMembersDisablePowerLoss": true,
      "permanentFactionsDisableLeaderPromotion": false,
      "claimsMustBeConnected": false,
      "claimsCanBeUnconnectedIfOwnedByOtherFaction": true,
      "claimsRequireMinFactionMembers": 1,
      "claimedLandsMax": 0,
      "considerFactionsReallyOfflineAfterXMinutes": 0.0,
      "actionDeniedPainAmount": 10,
      "permanentFactionMemberDenyCommands": [],
      "territoryNeutralDenyCommands": [],
      "territoryEnemyDenyCommands": [
      "territoryShieldFactor": 0.3,
      "territoryDenyBuild": true,
      "territoryDenyBuildWhenOffline": true,
      "territoryPainBuild": false,
      "territoryPainBuildWhenOffline": false,
      "territoryDenyUseage": true,
      "territoryEnemyDenyBuild": false,
      "territoryEnemyDenyBuildWhenOffline": true,
      "territoryEnemyPainBuild": true,
      "territoryEnemyPainBuildWhenOffline": false,
      "territoryEnemyDenyUseage": false,
      "territoryEnemyProtectMaterials": true,
      "territoryAllyDenyBuild": false,
      "territoryAllyDenyBuildWhenOffline": true,
      "territoryAllyPainBuild": false,
      "territoryAllyPainBuildWhenOffline": false,
      "territoryAllyDenyUseage": true,
      "territoryAllyProtectMaterials": true,
      "territoryBlockCreepers": false,
      "territoryBlockCreepersWhenOffline": true,
      "territoryBlockFireballs": false,
      "territoryBlockFireballsWhenOffline": false,
      "territoryBlockTNT": false,
      "territoryBlockTNTWhenOffline": false,
      "territoryDenyEndermanBlocks": true,
      "territoryDenyEndermanBlocksWhenOffline": true,
      "safeZoneDenyBuild": true,
      "safeZoneDenyUseage": true,
      "safeZoneBlockTNT": true,
      "safeZonePreventAllDamageToPlayers": false,
      "safeZoneDenyEndermanBlocks": true,
      "warZoneDenyBuild": true,
      "warZoneDenyUseage": true,
      "warZoneBlockCreepers": false,
      "warZoneBlockFireballs": false,
      "warZoneBlockTNT": true,
      "warZonePowerLoss": true,
      "warZoneFriendlyFire": false,
      "warZoneDenyEndermanBlocks": true,
      "wildernessDenyBuild": false,
      "wildernessDenyUseage": false,
      "wildernessBlockCreepers": true,
      "wildernessBlockFireballs": false,
      "wildernessBlockTNT": false,
      "wildernessPowerLoss": true,
      "wildernessDenyEndermanBlocks": false,
      "ownedAreasEnabled": false,
      "ownedAreasLimitPerFaction": 0,
      "ownedAreasModeratorsCanSet": false,
      "ownedAreaModeratorsBypass": true,
      "ownedAreaDenyBuild": true,
      "ownedAreaPainBuild": false,
      "ownedAreaProtectMaterials": true,
      "ownedAreaDenyUseage": true,
      "ownedLandMessage": "Owner(s): ",
      "publicLandMessage": "Public faction land.",
      "ownedMessageOnBorder": true,
      "ownedMessageInsideTerritory": true,
      "ownedMessageByChunk": false,
      "pistonProtectionThroughDenyBuild": true,
      "territoryProtectedMaterials": [
      "territoryDenyUseageMaterials": [
      "territoryProtectedMaterialsWhenOffline": [
      "territoryDenyUseageMaterialsWhenOffline": [
      "spoutFactionTagsOverNames": true,
      "spoutFactionTitlesOverNames": true,
      "spoutFactionAdminCapes": true,
      "spoutFactionModeratorCapes": true,
      "spoutTerritoryDisplayPosition": 3,
      "spoutTerritoryDisplaySize": 1.0,
      "spoutTerritoryDisplayShowDescription": true,
      "spoutTerritoryOwnersShow": true,
      "spoutTerritoryNoticeShow": true,
      "spoutTerritoryNoticeTop": 40,
      "spoutTerritoryNoticeShowDescription": false,
      "spoutTerritoryNoticeSize": 1.5,
      "spoutTerritoryNoticeLeaveAfterSeconds": 2.0,
      "capeAlly": "https://github.com/MassiveCraft/Factions/raw/master/capes/ally.png",
      "capeEnemy": "https://github.com/MassiveCraft/Factions/raw/master/capes/enemy.png",
      "capeMember": "https://github.com/MassiveCraft/Factions/raw/master/capes/member.png",
      "capeNeutral": "https://github.com/MassiveCraft/Factions/raw/master/capes/neutral.png",
      "capePeaceful": "https://github.com/MassiveCraft/Factions/raw/master/capes/peaceful.png",
      "econEnabled": true,
      "econUniverseAccount": "",
      "econCostClaimWilderness": 0.0,
      "econCostClaimFromFactionBonus": 0.0,
      "econClaimAdditionalMultiplier": 0.5,
      "econClaimRefundMultiplier": 0.7,
      "econClaimUnconnectedFee": 0.0,
      "econCostCreate": 2000.0,
      "econCostOwner": 0.0,
      "econCostSethome": 0.0,
      "econCostJoin": 0.0,
      "econCostLeave": 0.0,
      "econCostKick": 0.0,
      "econCostInvite": 0.0,
      "econCostHome": 0.0,
      "econCostTag": 0.0,
      "econCostDesc": 0.0,
      "econCostTitle": 0.0,
      "econCostList": 0.0,
      "econCostMap": 0.0,
      "econCostPower": 0.0,
      "econCostShow": 0.0,
      "econCostOpen": 0.0,
      "econCostAlly": 0.0,
      "econCostEnemy": 0.0,
      "econCostNeutral": 0.0,
      "econCostNoBoom": 0.0,
      "bankEnabled": true,
      "bankMembersCanWithdraw": false,
      "bankFactionPaysCosts": true,
      "bankFactionPaysLandCosts": true,
      "worldsNoClaiming": [],
      "worldsNoPowerLoss": [],
      "worldsIgnorePvP": [],
      "worldsNoWildernessProtection": []
    How do i make it so you don't have to be enemy's to attack people in their own terrortory, I've tried everything.
    it just says " you can't hurt (name) in their own territory unless you declare them as a enemy.
  8. Offline


    What do i have to do to my config so that if only 1 person is the faction they can claim unlimited land?
  9. Offline



    I've been doing the process of switching from Towny to Factions. Not the easiest feat, surprisingly. Regardless of that, I seem to have hit a snag.

    When a player attacks me in my faction, they cannot actually hit me in my own land. Instead, we are given the message that they cannot hurt me. As I can see, they need to be a part of an enemy faction in order to attack me in my own land. I want to change this.

    I want to make it so that any player can attack any player in any factions land at any time, but I have no idea where to change this. Can you help?

    Thank you.
  10. Offline


    Is it possible if you could add multiworld support for the faction messages such as the new faction/description changed messages? This would be great for server such as mine that has a world dedicated to factions - yet I don't want the messages showing in other worlds.

  11. Offline


    Again i add this permission to member: - ^factions.create and... normal players can create factions, how can i repair it
  12. Offline


    How can i limit 5 plots per player in a faction?
  13. Offline


    Sorry then, no idea why you're having problems.

    There is some WorldGuard integration available which might do what you're after, though I'm not sure. It was provided by another dev. /f config worldGuardChecking true

    Deny the permission, as described in the FAQ.

    You will be able to in 1.7, which includes a new "truce" state between neutral and ally and allows attacks between neutrals.

    You could provide a ridiculously high maximum and starting power if you want all players to be able to claim large amounts of land. Or for specific players or factions you could use /f powerboost.

    Not something I'm interested in working on, sorry. For one thing, which messages in particular would be affected? Where do you draw the line? How about people that would want to remain informed on what's going on, being unable to see faction-related messages because they're in a different world?

    Depends on your permission plugin of choice as to how permissions are denied/removed.

    What, like setting their maximum power to 5? If so, there you go.

    Released version 1.6.7:
    • Fix: If plugin failed to load correctly for various reasons, it could potentially end up wiping the board or faction list. This should now be prevented. Example: if you loaded 1.6.6 (not 1.6.6b) on CB 1.1-R6 or newer, it would trigger an exception at startup and cause this problem.
    • Custom events are now provided for other developers to hook into to create their own plugins based around Factions! Check the factions/event folder in our source for the currently implemented events. (by patrickfreed, bladedpenguin, and donington)
    • Removed dependence on external GSON lib in lib/gson.jar. GSON 2.1 is now embedded in CraftBukkit itself.
    • New setting "logPlayerCommands" (default true) which can be disabled to prevent player commands from being logged.
    • New setting "playersWhoBypassAllProtection" (default empty), which is a list of player names that should always bypass normal faction protections such as block destruction and placement. This is primarily for use with other plugins/mods which use a fake player to take action, which shouldn't necessarily be subject to protections provided by Factions. Note that case is important; you must preserve the exact capitalization of the name.
    As with every other setting, you are advised to use /f config to modify it. Example:​
    /f config playersWhoBypassAllProtection fakePluginPlayerName - add/remove the specified player name​
    • Reworked radius claim method. The old method tried to put together a list of chunks, and then tried to claim them all in one go starting from one corner of the overall area. It now starts in the current chunk and spirals outward, in a repeating task designed to keep from overloading the server. New setting "radiusClaimFailureLimit" (default 9). If claims are unsuccessful that many times in a row during a radius claim, the task will cancel out. There is no longer a limit to the specified radius since the process should no longer cause major server stress, and due to the process canceling out after several failures as just described.
    • Faction homes should no longer be lost if their target world isn't already loaded when Factions loads at server startup. This is done using a new lazy-load Location container class which only initializes the Location when it's actually needed.
    • Fixed slashless commands not being logged if player was in faction chat or alliance chat mode.
    • Fix for "econClaimUnconnectedFee" not working correctly.
    • Connected standard command handler getCommand("f"), solely for the sake of other plugins which might directly execute commands using that interface.
    • Various minor optimizations and cleanup.
    New conf.json settings:
    "logPlayerCommands": true, - can be disabled to prevent player commands from being logged.
    "radiusClaimFailureLimit": 9, - when someone is attempting a radius claim, it will halt if this many claim attempts in a row are unsuccessful.
    "playersWhoBypassAllProtection": [], - list of player names that should always bypass normal faction protections such as block destruction and placement. Primarily for use with other plugins/mods which use a fake player to take actions.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 15, 2016
  14. Offline


    When someone tries to claim land that is not connected to the rest of their land it tells then they dont have permission, and I have to explain this to people every day, can you make it say "You land needs to be connected to your original claim."?
  15. Brettflan

    i knowwhy it didnt work...
    i use 1.2.3 -.- plugin was 1.1
  16. Offline


    For one thing, which messages in particular would be affected?
    -All Faction messages excluding faction chat

    Where do you draw the line?
    - I don't see what you mean here - the server admins choose which worlds can't see faction messages as like other multiworld settings

    How about people that would want to remain informed on what's going on, being unable to see faction-related messages because they're in a different world?
    - Well most of them will be staying in the Factions world anyway.

    A permission that I could negate for each world excluding the Factions world would work.
  17. Offline


    Normal members can make factions. How can i repair it? Only Vip got permissions to create faction. Im using PEX
  18. Offline


    Even though I'm an Owner on my server (with -*-), I cant go into other people factions.. Kinda messed. Can you make it so with people with every perm (ahah such as me) can access other peoples factions?
  19. Offline


    Strange, they should be getting one of these two messages based on the "claimsCanBeUnconnectedIfOwnedByOtherFaction" setting:
    You can only claim additional land which is connected to your first claim or controlled by another faction!
    You can only claim additional land which is connected to your first claim!
    What message are they getting exactly?

    Read FAQ.

    You can. Do you mean destroying or placing blocks and opening chests and such? If so, you should have read the FAQ regarding admin bypass mode (/f bypass). If you mean joining and controlling other factions, you can do that as well. /f join will work no matter what if you have the appropriate permissions, and /f admin will also work on anyone (including yourself) with the correct permission.
  20. Offline


  21. Offline


    Post the entire stack trace, please.
  22. Offline


    i have added this permission to member: factions.kit.fullplayer and again member can make faction, sorry my english is bad so maybe i don't understand this FAQ so what i have to do?
  23. Offline


    I want outsiders to be able to access chests at all times in factions. The server has an emphasis on raiding if you're reckless, but it seems that even with...

    ...outsiders cannot open chests in another players faction. This is the same thing I've done with "LEVER" and "BUTTON" as well, if that means anything.
  24. i downloaded the 1.2.3 version but it still says i dont have permissions to create faction.
    I still use bPermissions
    i still have - factions.kit.admin permission node
    it should include ALL rights i believe? and anyway i have '*' permission node which should already allow me to use ALL possible plugins without questions.
  25. hey i use permissions ex how do i make it so only a specific group can make a faction right now i set it for donators or higher but still anyone can make one
  26. Offline


  27. Offline


    here is config file
      "baseCommandAliases": [
      "allowNoSlashCommand": true,
      "colorMember": "GREEN",
      "colorAlly": "LIGHT_PURPLE",
      "colorNeutral": "WHITE",
      "colorEnemy": "RED",
      "colorPeaceful": "GOLD",
      "colorWar": "DARK_RED",
      "powerPlayerMax": 10.0,
      "powerPlayerMin": -50.0,
      "powerPlayerStarting": 0.0,
      "powerPerMinute": 0.7,
      "powerPerDeath": 9.0,
      "powerRegenOffline": true,
      "powerOfflineLossPerDay": 0.0,
      "powerOfflineLossLimit": 0.0,
      "powerFactionMax": 0.0,
      "prefixAdmin": "Admin_",
      "prefixMod": "Mod_",
      "factionTagLengthMin": 3,
      "factionTagLengthMax": 12,
      "factionTagForceUpperCase": false,
      "newFactionsDefaultOpen": false,
      "factionMemberLimit": 0,
      "newPlayerStartingFactionID": "0",
      "showMapFactionKey": true,
      "showNeutralFactionsOnMap": true,
      "showEnemyFactionsOnMap": true,
      "canLeaveWithNegativePower": true,
      "factionOnlyChat": true,
      "chatTagEnabled": false,
      "chatTagRelationColored": true,
      "chatTagReplaceString": "[FACTION]",
      "chatTagInsertAfterString": "",
      "chatTagInsertBeforeString": "",
      "chatTagInsertIndex": 1,
      "chatTagPadBefore": false,
      "chatTagPadAfter": true,
      "chatTagFormat": "%s§f",
      "factionChatFormat": "%s:§f %s",
      "allianceChatFormat": "§d%s:§f %s",
      "autoLeaveAfterDaysOfInactivity": 10.0,
      "autoLeaveRoutineRunsEveryXMinutes": 5.0,
      "removePlayerDataWhenBanned": true,
      "worldGuardChecking": false,
      "lwcIntegration": false,
      "onUnclaimResetLwcLocks": false,
      "onCaptureResetLwcLocks": false,
      "logFactionCreate": true,
      "logFactionDisband": true,
      "logFactionJoin": true,
      "logFactionKick": true,
      "logFactionLeave": true,
      "logLandClaims": true,
      "logLandUnclaims": true,
      "logMoneyTransactions": true,
      "homesEnabled": true,
      "homesMustBeInClaimedTerritory": true,
      "homesTeleportToOnDeath": false,
      "homesRespawnFromNoPowerLossWorlds": true,
      "homesTeleportCommandEnabled": true,
      "homesTeleportCommandEssentialsIntegration": true,
      "homesTeleportCommandSmokeEffectEnabled": true,
      "homesTeleportCommandSmokeEffectThickness": 3.0,
      "homesTeleportAllowedFromEnemyTerritory": true,
      "homesTeleportAllowedFromDifferentWorld": true,
      "homesTeleportAllowedEnemyDistance": 100.0,
      "homesTeleportIgnoreEnemiesIfInOwnTerritory": true,
      "disablePVPBetweenNeutralFactions": false,
      "disablePVPForFactionlessPlayers": false,
      "enablePVPAgainstFactionlessInAttackersLand": true,
      "noPVPDamageToOthersForXSecondsAfterLogin": 0,
      "peacefulTerritoryDisablePVP": true,
      "peacefulTerritoryDisableMonsters": false,
      "peacefulMembersDisablePowerLoss": true,
      "permanentFactionsDisableLeaderPromotion": false,
      "claimsMustBeConnected": false,
      "claimsCanBeUnconnectedIfOwnedByOtherFaction": true,
      "claimsRequireMinFactionMembers": 1,
      "claimedLandsMax": 0,
      "considerFactionsReallyOfflineAfterXMinutes": 0.0,
      "actionDeniedPainAmount": 10,
      "permanentFactionMemberDenyCommands": [],
      "territoryNeutralDenyCommands": [],
      "territoryEnemyDenyCommands": [
      "territoryShieldFactor": 0.3,
      "territoryDenyBuild": true,
      "territoryDenyBuildWhenOffline": true,
      "territoryPainBuild": false,
      "territoryPainBuildWhenOffline": false,
      "territoryDenyUseage": true,
      "territoryEnemyDenyBuild": false,
      "territoryEnemyDenyBuildWhenOffline": true,
      "territoryEnemyPainBuild": true,
      "territoryEnemyPainBuildWhenOffline": false,
      "territoryEnemyDenyUseage": false,
      "territoryEnemyProtectMaterials": true,
      "territoryAllyDenyBuild": false,
      "territoryAllyDenyBuildWhenOffline": true,
      "territoryAllyPainBuild": false,
      "territoryAllyPainBuildWhenOffline": false,
      "territoryAllyDenyUseage": true,
      "territoryAllyProtectMaterials": true,
      "territoryBlockCreepers": false,
      "territoryBlockCreepersWhenOffline": true,
      "territoryBlockFireballs": false,
      "territoryBlockFireballsWhenOffline": false,
      "territoryBlockTNT": false,
      "territoryBlockTNTWhenOffline": false,
      "territoryDenyEndermanBlocks": true,
      "territoryDenyEndermanBlocksWhenOffline": true,
      "safeZoneDenyBuild": true,
      "safeZoneDenyUseage": true,
      "safeZoneBlockTNT": true,
      "safeZonePreventAllDamageToPlayers": false,
      "safeZoneDenyEndermanBlocks": true,
      "warZoneDenyBuild": true,
      "warZoneDenyUseage": true,
      "warZoneBlockCreepers": false,
      "warZoneBlockFireballs": false,
      "warZoneBlockTNT": true,
      "warZonePowerLoss": true,
      "warZoneFriendlyFire": false,
      "warZoneDenyEndermanBlocks": true,
      "wildernessDenyBuild": false,
      "wildernessDenyUseage": false,
      "wildernessBlockCreepers": true,
      "wildernessBlockFireballs": false,
      "wildernessBlockTNT": false,
      "wildernessPowerLoss": true,
      "wildernessDenyEndermanBlocks": false,
      "ownedAreasEnabled": false,
      "ownedAreasLimitPerFaction": 0,
      "ownedAreasModeratorsCanSet": false,
      "ownedAreaModeratorsBypass": true,
      "ownedAreaDenyBuild": true,
      "ownedAreaPainBuild": false,
      "ownedAreaProtectMaterials": true,
      "ownedAreaDenyUseage": true,
      "ownedLandMessage": "Owner(s): ",
      "publicLandMessage": "Public faction land.",
      "ownedMessageOnBorder": true,
      "ownedMessageInsideTerritory": true,
      "ownedMessageByChunk": false,
      "pistonProtectionThroughDenyBuild": true,
      "territoryProtectedMaterials": [
      "territoryDenyUseageMaterials": [
      "territoryProtectedMaterialsWhenOffline": [
      "territoryDenyUseageMaterialsWhenOffline": [
      "spoutFactionTagsOverNames": true,
      "spoutFactionTitlesOverNames": true,
      "spoutFactionAdminCapes": true,
      "spoutFactionModeratorCapes": true,
      "spoutTerritoryDisplayPosition": 3,
      "spoutTerritoryDisplaySize": 1.0,
      "spoutTerritoryDisplayShowDescription": true,
      "spoutTerritoryOwnersShow": true,
      "spoutTerritoryNoticeShow": true,
      "spoutTerritoryNoticeTop": 40,
      "spoutTerritoryNoticeShowDescription": false,
      "spoutTerritoryNoticeSize": 1.5,
      "spoutTerritoryNoticeLeaveAfterSeconds": 2.0,
      "capeAlly": "https://github.com/MassiveCraft/Factions/raw/master/capes/ally.png",
      "capeEnemy": "https://github.com/MassiveCraft/Factions/raw/master/capes/enemy.png",
      "capeMember": "https://github.com/MassiveCraft/Factions/raw/master/capes/member.png",
      "capeNeutral": "https://github.com/MassiveCraft/Factions/raw/master/capes/neutral.png",
      "capePeaceful": "https://github.com/MassiveCraft/Factions/raw/master/capes/peaceful.png",
      "econEnabled": true,
      "econUniverseAccount": "",
      "econCostClaimWilderness": 0.0,
      "econCostClaimFromFactionBonus": 0.0,
      "econClaimAdditionalMultiplier": 0.5,
      "econClaimRefundMultiplier": 0.7,
      "econClaimUnconnectedFee": 0.0,
      "econCostCreate": 2000.0,
      "econCostOwner": 0.0,
      "econCostSethome": 0.0,
      "econCostJoin": 0.0,
      "econCostLeave": 0.0,
      "econCostKick": 0.0,
      "econCostInvite": 0.0,
      "econCostHome": 0.0,
      "econCostTag": 0.0,
      "econCostDesc": 0.0,
      "econCostTitle": 0.0,
      "econCostList": 0.0,
      "econCostMap": 0.0,
      "econCostPower": 0.0,
      "econCostShow": 0.0,
      "econCostOpen": 0.0,
      "econCostAlly": 0.0,
      "econCostEnemy": 0.0,
      "econCostNeutral": 0.0,
      "econCostNoBoom": 0.0,
      "bankEnabled": true,
      "bankMembersCanWithdraw": false,
      "bankFactionPaysCosts": true,
      "bankFactionPaysLandCosts": true,
      "worldsNoClaiming": [],
      "worldsNoPowerLoss": [],
      "worldsIgnorePvP": [],
      "worldsNoWildernessProtection": []
    How do i make it so you don't have to be enemy's to attack people in their own terrortory, I've tried everything.
    it just says " you can't hurt (name) in their own territory unless you declare them as a enemy.

    Also is there anyway i can make it so peaceful factions have land protection on?
  28. Offline


    I want to enable friendlyfire between faction mates in 1.6.6b, is it possible?
  29. Offline


    Why does the Color support have to be used with spoutcraft client? Cause servers like "mcctf" google it, don't need extra clients but teams are colored. Now unless they made a custom client i could understand but all i'm saying its possible without a different client.
  30. Offline


    I'm not sure what problem you're having based on what you said, but regardless: it depends on what plugin you use to handle permissions (or permissions.yml).

    You appear to be missing "TRUCE", but other than that it should be working. I'll note it down to test it myself when I get a chance. Insert "1.7 releases are non-production alphas and you probably shouldn't be using them" rant here. :p

    No idea, that should work. I don't use bPermissions so I can't really offer any better advice.

    Read the FAQ.

    You would have saved yourself time by asking about that actual problem in the first place. Someone else was having trouble with WorldEdit preventing our /f command from working not long ago, so that might be what you're encountering. Try temporarily removing all other plugins to test whether one of them is interfering.

    1. You already asked that and I answered above.
    2. What do you mean? If I understand you correctly, that's a core part of how peaceful factions work, other factions can't claim their territory.

    You can set up a WarZone and enable friendly fire in them (/f config warZoneFriendlyFire true), or you could completely disable our PvP monitoring for a specific world (/f config worldsIgnorePvP YourSpecialWorldNameHere).

    The color of players' names over their heads? I'm not aware of a way to do so through Bukkit or Spout without a customized client like Spoutcraft. Maybe through some arcane hack. For consideration, though:
    1. The faction tags are colored based on the viewer's relationship to them, so the color depends on the viewer.
    2. We have the faction tag on a separate line of text than the player's actual name, it's not just a one-line affair.
    3. Probably some other complications.
    If someone can enlighten me on how to do something like that in a Bukkit plugin without requiring a modified client, I truly would love to hear the details.

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