[SEC] Firebug v1.2 - Punish players that use Flint & Steel [1000/1060]

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by Chlikikijleelgus, Aug 6, 2011.

  1. [​IMG]

    Firebug - Punish players that use Flint & Steel!

    I am no longer maintaining this thread, please go to Firebug on dev.bukkit
    Though, the download links will still point to current places.

    Version: ??- check bukkitdev.

    This is a simple plugin that automatically disciplines anyone that uses Flint & Steel, by igniting them. (Give them a taste of their own medicine!)

    * Burns any player using Flint & Steel
    * Optionally sends a message to the
    * (Please note that it does not remove the fire at this time.)


    Source on GitHub!
    <Edit by Moderator: Redacted mediafire url>

    Show Spoiler
    * Permissions Support (Allow some groups to safely use F&S)
    * Optionally remove the fire created
    * Configuration at all.1.1
    * Optional and configurable message to player when trying to use F&S 1.1
    * Configurable punishment type (Kill, inflict damage, Lightning?)
    * Configurable replace/remove F&S
    * Optional Logging to file
    * Optionally announce "(Player) was caught using Flint and Steel!" to the server.


    Version 1.2
    * Added logging to console.

    Show Spoiler
    Version 1.1
    * Added configuration file (Firebug/config.yml)
    * Added the option to send a message to the player using Flint and Steel (You know, the one that catches on fire.)

    Version 1.0
    * Initial Release.


    PolishDemon: Practically mentoring me while developing this plugin
    xUnholyvisioNx: Volunteering for the banner screenshot
    LordNed: Helping me with all sorts of config problems.
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 13, 2016
    Lauless and codename_B like this.
  2. Offline


    Simple but good in a way :) Good job!
  3. Offline


    Is there any way possible to also destroy the flint and steel at the same time?
  4. I actually had planned to do that, yet it slipped my mind when making the todo list :eek:

    Updated to version 1.1

    New features:
    Config file
    Send message to player

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 18, 2016
  5. Offline


    Thank you :)
  6. Updated to 1.2, submitted to dev.bukkit.org.
  7. Dont use this plugin if you want a successfull server. Just disable flint and steel for untrusted people

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