Inactive [SEC] BlockLog V21 - Loggin' everything, everybody does. MOTD! [AWESOME] [1185]

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by Liam Allan, Aug 9, 2011.

  1. Offline

    Liam Allan

    Version 21.1
    A plugin that logs almost everything! Under your choise!
    Thanks to Feildmather for the awesome help!
    I'm not adding MySQL Support!
    Click here to make your plugin log to BlockLog! (API)

    This plugin allows you to watch over your players with a single log!
    You can choose what you want to log in the config file in the BlockLog folder!
    its time the server starts on a different day. it will make a new log:
    (plugindirlog + hour + ";" + date + "-BlockLog.txt");
    Is (if the date was the 13th and the hour was 7)
    The log looks like this:
    t:im:e :- Event, name, World|Location|hacking|Cause
    Looks like this:
    19:1:12 :- Death, liamallan, the death cause was 'LAVA' World: 'world'
    Has a feature where it will broadcast if the player has logged on for
    the first time, The option is editable :D
    Has a feature where you can turn of what mobs you don't want on your server
    You can now have a custom MOTD :D
    To add colour to the MOTD, Put a colour code in front of the text :D
    Its logs: (By your choise)
    Show Spoiler

    • Broken blocks
    • Placed blocks
    • Placed signs
    • Chest, Furnace, Dispenser usage
    • Message's and used commands
    • When someone goes through a portal
    • When lightning strikes
    • When someone joins, leaves respawns, gets kicked(+reason)(+IP on login)
    • When someone logs in for the first time (+broadcast)
    • When someone starts a fire
    • When someone flys
    • When someone gets in and leaves a bed
    • When someone toggles sneak
    • When someone fishes
    • When spawn is changed
    • When the server start stops!
    • WorldEdit: Wand, Compass, SuperPick
    • How someone dies! (+Broadcast)
    • When a creeper and a pig are struct by lightning!
    • Console command
    • World saving

    Show Spoiler

    /bl ? - Shows the menu
    /bl help - Shows the help menu
    /bl info - Shows some information

    The log will save in 'BlockLog.txt' in the plugins\BlockLog folder!
    It will also contain what time it happens!
    It will work even if don't have permissions, But if you do. it will still work!
    There are more features coming soon!

    Download - Normal plugin, Logs by time :D
    Download - This plugin is the same! But will log to a single file instead!

    When you first install the plugin, Run the server. Then restart it :D

    Coming soon!
    How someone died! - Out in V13
    Log when someone joins/leaves! - Out in V8
    Log when a portal is made! - Out in V7!
    Weather logs! - Out in V7
    When fire starts! - Out in V7

    • V21
    Fixed major 'mobs not spawning' bug!
    Thanks to @Odai!​
    • V21.1
    Fixed a bug where TNT was not exploding​
    even if the config was set to false :D

    Show Spoiler

    Release of the awesome plugin!
    Fixed [SERVE] error!
    Added a time feature in the log!
    Added it so it logs when something explodes!
    Added what item they broke what block with and
    logging which chest they open!
    Logs when someone flys, Does a
    command and if some
    has an infinite block or more then 64 in a stack.
    Logs when someone makes a portal, when
    fire starts and when lightning strikes!
    Fixed a multiworld bug, Instead of onPortalCreate, it's
    onPlayerPortal. Meaning that it will log when someone
    uses it instead. Now logs when someone leaves/joins,
    The reason for them getting kicked and when they respawn!
    Shows the month date in the log!
    Fixed a bug where TNT exploding was not logging and
    remove I changed some text, Doubt you will notice!
    Fixed the bug when it show 'ItemStack{AIR x 0}'
    when you break something with your hand.
    Added more logs, When a block is burned, when
    someone gets in/out of a bed and when someone
    toggles sneak.
    Remove fire spread logging and did some spell checks!
    Added more to log by your option! :D Logs:
    Fishing, Server on\off and when spawn changes!
    Added some text so you know what some
    of the config means!
    Added WorldEdit logging support! Logs:
    Wand use's, MagicCompass and Superpick!
    Please download and delete your current config!
    Fixed a major bug, and please ignore WhoKilledWho,
    Thats for future reference :D
    Added DeathCause​
    Changed the way the log logs'​
    Added logs per day & hour! Added more log stuff for wankerpants
    Added some new options! When a creeper and pig is struct by
    Now logs the IP on log in :D
    Added a new option to broadcast how they died!​
    Fixed up death stuff​
    Now can log console commands and when the world saves​
    Added some commands, There above . . .​
    It now logs in folders for each different real day.​
    And now has the option to block TNT on the server . . .​
    It can now log when someone logs in for the​
    time, it can also broadcast it :D
    Added a feature that will not allow you to spawn​
    certain mobs, All editable in the config :D
    Added some more configurable stuff . . .​
    When the world saves, and when the server stops . . .​
    Added support for a custom MOTD support :D
    Fixed a SERVE bug. Added a extra MOTD line :D
    Please delete the config!​
    Removed the default display text (when someone joins)
    "X has left the server"​

    Thanks to @Samiko for the awesome video!
  2. Offline


    Nice, but what about rollbacking the broken and placed blocks?
    Liam Allan likes this.
  3. Offline

    Liam Allan

    I might add that :D
  4. Offline


    :), I'll give you a tip: HashMap which stores a Player and a LinkedList which stores a BlockState... JavaCeption :D
  5. Offline

    Liam Allan

    Thanks, You can help make it if you want? Add me on skype? 'liamallan12345'
  6. Offline


    Sorry, I'm currently really busy.
  7. Offline

    Liam Allan

    Ok, Well I won't be able todo it :D becuase I'm not the greatest at java
  8. Offline


    Looks good! Rolling back would be super awesome!

    Oh and you might want to save it to SQL or MySQL, since that is better then flatfile (faster probally)

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 18, 2016
  9. Offline

    Liam Allan

    I don't know how, If you want to you can add me on skype: liamallan12345
  10. Offline


    Err... not trying to be rude or anything, but I sort of already made this exact plugin, and it sort of does the same thing, but with more features and chest logging ability... :/

    I'm not dis-encouraging you from making plugins, but there's currently this big debate and fight over people creating plugins that have been made before. It can be found here.
    tips48 likes this.
  11. Offline

    Liam Allan

    I honestly did not know!
    I'm really sorry!
    I can remove it if you want?
  12. Offline


    Hey, @thescreem :
    Yeah, there is a lot of the same type of plugins being made right now, but just because of that, doesn't mean that no one can make a plugin like yours. Sure you plugin may have 'more features' but this is probably one of the first bigger things @Liam Allan has done with Java/and/or Bukkit, so give Liam a break.

    @Liam Allan :
    Don't let people discourage you! Keep this plugin going, and add features with the help and support of the community that made Bukkit so great! Keep up the good work. To be honest, I'm actually going to get this because it is very lightweight, and I like supporting new developers in the community. Keep up the good work, seriously!
  13. Offline


    I did not mean any of my post to be interpreted in any way mean and I suppose you're right about that just because I already made my plugin that Liam can't make this.

    @Liam Allan
    I would like to apologize for being seen as hostile. No, I will not make you remove it as I feel it is not right to have anyone remove their plugin. Also, this seems like it has a lot of possibility, so I encourage you to continue work on it.
  14. Offline

    Liam Allan

    I really thank you guys for sharing this! This just made my day. People like you guys are more nice then people at my school! Thank you and good luck to you and your plugins!
    Kohle likes this.
  15. Offline


    With a better implementation of flat files, this plugin could easily be able to "reverse" things, even in the "major past."

    All without a need for a database. (Also, mySql isn't necessarily faster. ;))
  16. Offline


    For the huge ammounts of data a medium to large sized Server would create, it definately is faster as people break & place blocks very fast and frequent :)
  17. Offline


    Think so? :)
  18. Offline

    Liam Allan

    Well said!
  19. Offline


    Don't go agreeing with him. Flat files are quite fast, given the proper coding of various functions/writing to file.
  20. Offline


    I'm pretty sure about it :p if you want I can check how many entries my servers BB database has, its been there for ~3 months with ~20 people on D: That is if I didn't clear the old one. It was GIANT xD

    Well you could split up the files in different chunkfiles, but for a large server MySQL would definately be better :3

    Hey! I never said they aren't, I never said they suck! I like flatfiles but for something like this, with the giant ammounts of data it would be faster with Mysql

    RAWR~ Doublepost <3

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 18, 2016
  21. Offline


    Mysql is just an upgrade of a flat file, with many many many functions (and arrays) added onto it. :)
  22. Offline


    Yeah, still it's easier to find stuff in it because it gets indexed and shiat :p Which makes it faster for lets say more than a few k entries because they dont have to check all the flatfiles, or one giant flatfile that would take forever to load ^^
  23. Offline


    there's ways to index... :p
  24. Offline


    Why do all the work to modify a flatfile to behave like a MySQL, when you can then just use MySQL in the first place? :3

    It's like baking a cake, then cutting it into muffins when you could have just made muffins in the first place :)
  25. Offline


    i don't like dependencies. or making my users use MySQL, when they might not want to.:)
  26. Offline


    Thats why you add it as a feature, not as a dependency :D Let them choose :)
  27. Offline


    The dependencies are built into Bukkit. All they need is a MySQL database to connect to.
    Liam Allan likes this.
  28. Offline

    Liam Allan

    Can they not use SQLite?
  29. Offline


    Not unless u put in sqlite support :p
    Liam Allan likes this.
  30. Offline

    Liam Allan

    Ok, If you want to help, Add me on skype: liamallan12345

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