"Screen Spazzing Out" Glitch

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by BajanAmerican, Jan 12, 2014.

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    Explanation of Bug: The bug did not happen in 1.6.4 and when we updated to 1.7.4 it started to happen at random points in time. There is nothing in console that notices the error, but there is surely something wrong. It's not the mini-game itself because it happens across all of our servers. We believe the error is Bukkit but if you think it is something else please leave suggestions for what that could be and how to fix it.

    Video: Skip to 14 seconds to see the glitch happen

    Version: At first we were on a older version of Bukkit (Beta 0.1) so we thought that was the problem, but we recently updated to the latest version and we still receive that same problem. We are using the latest version of Bukkit (Beta 0.2).

    Reproduction of Bug: This bug occurs at random moments and nothing comes up in console.

    P.S. When the player gets killed they no longer are in this spazzing out glitch.

    Last Note: I heard rumors that the PlayerMoveEvent is corrupted somewhat in the 1.7 version of Bukkit, if this could or is the possibility of this glitch, please state so. Thanks guys :)
  2. Offline


    if you got nothing on console, take your time to add debug output to your plugins.

    debug trace wont show up on it's own.
    bennie3211 likes this.
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    I don't have this on my server, but im running spigot on it, so i can't confirm this anyways, like RawCode said, it doesn't have to be an error that causes it, try to add debug messages, and see where it happends, maybe it causes a glitch that does that!?
  4. Offline


    Players on my server have this glitch. Anyways to fix it? Maybe I should try a different jar?
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  6. Offline


    Should I use spigot? Will it effect my plugins and or my server? What version of spigot is it aswell? And I'm not very fond of spigot but if I must I will use it.
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