ScoreboardStats Problem

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by FartingRamen, Oct 30, 2014.

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    Hi, on the scoreboardstats plugin i fixed the config to allow me to see kills, deaths, and money on the sidebar, but all I see is kills and deaths. The money doesn't show up
    # Main configuration
    # Compatible mode with other plugins like HealthBar, ColoredTags, GhostPlayer or McCombatLevel
    compatibilityMode: false
      - world_nether
      - city
    # This will not count vanished players in the online value
    hide-vanished: false
      Title: '&a&lStats'
      # seconds
      # For instant updates you can or 1 and it will update every second
      Update-delay: 1
        # The Title must have under 48 characters
        # Title: Type
        '&9Kills': '%kills%'
        '&9Deaths': '%deaths%'
        '&9Money': '%money%'
    # Let ScoreboardStats track stats (kills, deaths, mobkills, killstreak) You need no plugin for this
    enable-pvpstats: true
    Temp-Scoreboard-enabled: false
      Title: '&a&lTop Kills'
      # %mob% | %kills% | %killstreak%
      Type: '%kills%'
      Color: '&9'
      # How many Players would be displayed
      Items: 5
      Intervall-show: 300
      Intervall-disappear: 300
    pluginUpdate: true
    I've also tried replacing the %money% with %econ% and that doesn't work either
  2. Offline


    What economy plugin are you using.
  3. Offline


    I'm using essentials


    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 14, 2016
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    OTF Catastrophe

    You must have Vault plugin on your server for the money variable to work. If you already have it I suggest updating it to the most recent version.
  5. Offline


    add Vault or another Economy plugin!
  6. Offline

    OTF Catastrophe

    I said that... and its required you use Vault.
  7. Offline


    I just add vault and it will work?
    minegian likes this.
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