Scoreboard With Announcements on it.

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by Tom6, Feb 3, 2014.

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    Hello i need help making a scoreboard bukkit plugin using Eclipse its kind of hard due that i have just started java (eclipse).I would appreciate if somebody gave me some tips! Ty
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    Start with something more basic, and work your way up to scoreboards. I'd recommend just making small plugins at first; the kind that replicate features which a plugin such as Essentials might have. When you do start working with scoreboard, you'll be able to find plenty of resources on the forums to help you along.

    To answer your question more directly, you'd need to have a few different subsystems implemented. You'd need a way to store announcements (probably a YAML file), as well as some code which handles setting the player's scoreboard when they join. And finally, you'd need code which updates the scoreboard whenever someone adds a new announcement.
    The Fancy Whale likes this.
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    The Fancy Whale

    I would suggest starting with a plugin where you make a command do a simple task like send a message. Or maybe when you break a block it sends you a message. Then I would start adding a configuration file and moving on from there.
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    You just started Java? You won't be able to start making scoreboards since you need to at least know how to create variables and such since scoreboards are a pain with the objectives, teams, names, etc. You won't get near to being able to complete this.
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    Timer tasks might be a bit too much to start out with, but I'm with you on the latter concept. I think my friend acquainted himself with the API by having the plugin place a block underneath you whenever you moved, then made a plugin that triggered an explosion where an arrow hit. So really, just do whatever you want, no matter how silly or ridiculous it is. If it works, it works.
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    The Fancy Whale

    Timer tasks?
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    I'm sorry; I've been misreading messages all day. I saw the word task, and immediately assumed that the only thing you could possibly be talking about were timer tasks. Good ol' brain.
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