Solved Scoreboard how to add kills,mobkills,deaths etc -Eclipse

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by Nosma_Stew, Jan 31, 2016.

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    hey guys i got a scoreboard but the thing is i can't make kills mobkills deaths and be working...only texts
    for example this is my pastebin of the class a few things of it because its in the main class
    and here is how it looks in the game(top text change colors) but the thing is there are only texts no values how i fix this ?
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    1. If you have to use the full path for chatcolor, you are most likely importing the wrong one. Use the org.bukkit chatcolor instead of the bungee one.
    2. You are not seeing the scores because you are not adding the scores. The scores should look similar to this
       (ChatColor.RED+" Walker Kills :  "+INT_VAR_FOR_DEATHS);
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    hmmmmm thanks ima try that, if nothing works i will tell you

    i made this
    Score MOB_KILLS = objective.getScore(ChatColor.DARK_RED + "Walker Kills: "+MOB_KILLS);
    MOB_KILLS.setScore(5); but [/mob_klls); has redline error..i need an example for how mob_kills should really be so i can make the others
    Last edited: Jan 31, 2016
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