Saving/Loading Objects

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by flash1110, Apr 10, 2015.

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    Basically, I'm trying to, as the title says, save and load objects that are oriented.

    I'm saving them like this:
    for (Koth koth : getKoths()) {
                settings.getRegion().set("koth." + koth.getName(), koth.getName());
                settings.getRegion().set("koth." + koth.getName() + ".world1", koth.getCuboid().getWorld().getName());
                settings.getRegion().set("koth." + koth.getName() + ".x1", koth.getCuboid().getLowerX());
                settings.getRegion().set("koth." + koth.getName() + ".y1", koth.getCuboid().getLowerY());
                settings.getRegion().set("koth." + koth.getName() + ".z1", koth.getCuboid().getLowerZ());
                settings.getRegion().set("koth." + koth.getName() + ".world2", koth.getCuboid().getWorld().getName());
                settings.getRegion().set("koth." + koth.getName() + ".x2", koth.getCuboid().getUpperX());
                settings.getRegion().set("koth." + koth.getName() + ".y2", koth.getCuboid().getUpperY());
                settings.getRegion().set("koth." + koth.getName() + ".z2", koth.getCuboid().getUpperZ());
                settings.getRegion().set("koth." + koth.getName() + ".captime", koth.getCaptureTime());
    I'm loading them like this:
    for (String str : settings.getRegion().getConfigurationSection("koth").getKeys(false)) {
                String name = settings.getRegion().getString("koth." + str);
                World loc1W = Bukkit.getServer().getWorld(settings.getRegion().getString("koth." + str + ".world1"));
                int loc1X = settings.getRegion().getInt("koth." + str + ".x1");
                int loc1Y = settings.getRegion().getInt("koth." + str + ".y1");
                int loc1Z = settings.getRegion().getInt("koth." + str + ".z1");
                World loc2W = Bukkit.getServer().getWorld(settings.getRegion().getString("koth." + str + ".world2"));
                int loc2X = settings.getRegion().getInt("koth." + str + ".x2");
                int loc2Y = settings.getRegion().getInt("koth." + str + ".y2");
                int loc2Z = settings.getRegion().getInt("koth." + str + ".z2");
                int captureTime = settings.getRegion().getInt("koth." + str + ".captime");
                Location loc1 = new Location(loc1W, loc1X, loc1Y, loc1Z);
                Location loc2 = new Location(loc2W, loc2X, loc2Y, loc2Z);
                Koth toSave = new Koth(name, new Cuboid(loc1, loc2), captureTime);
                addKoth(name, toSave);
                loc1 = null;
                loc2 = null;
    However, on reload the koths aren't loaded up, however they are saved. There are no stacktraces in console.
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    @flash1110 What does
    print out?
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    @flash1110 the method looks good. It's may be the way you load the file
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    @caderape I don't see any errors in the way I load the file.
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    @flash1110 Did you debug? Are you sure that 'str' is equal to 'koth.getName();'? Are you sure that 'name' and 'toSave' are not null?
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    @Zombie_Striker Yes, I did. That's why I had the test line, which worked.
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