Safety of Vegetation and ItemCraft?

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by QQCucumber, May 13, 2011.

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    Both these plugins sound like awesome things to try, especially since all the players on my server use the same mods, but one thing worries me more than anything else.

    I'm worried that there will be a Minecraft update that will somehow render the game completely unplayable until Vegetation or ItemCraft updates. I used to play Minecraft with SSP mods before SMP was the new thing and every time a new patch came out, maps that had IDs Minecraft didn't recognize would cause the game to crash.

    So I figure I should ask here - do these kind of mods pose any danger to maps? What happens when they're suddenly removed?
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    There is always a risk of dangerous bukkit plugins. You should always keep backups of worlds incase anything goes wrong.
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    I know this is kind of outdated, but normally i use WorldEdit (not the ingame one) to replace all removed blocks with something that is valid.
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