Solved Safest way to check a block's data without lagging the server?

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by fireboyev, Dec 9, 2016.

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    Hey all, I was wondering what the safest way to go for checking a block's data.
    The block I want to recheck/update is the beacon to see the tier and the players in range and then I want to do something to those players in range. Is it safe to use a bukkit runnable or what should I use?
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    Use a bukkit runnable.

    BTW: If you are worries about performance (which you should not)
    • Run every second or every half-a-second. You don't need to be that precise.
    • When there are no players online/in that world, return; so you don't need to loop through unnecessarily entities.
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    Thanks it worked. I'm also wondering: How would I be able to test if the player is within a certain radius of a location?
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    1. Get the beacons location.
    2. For loop through all the players in a world (World#getPlayers)
    3. get the player's location and check if the distance between that location and the beacon's location is less than __ (BeaconsLoc#distance( player's loc) < ___ ) If this returns true, then the player is close to the beacon.
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    Thanks! It worked perfectly
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