Running a server through SSH?

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by zemorez, May 26, 2013.

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    Hello, I am fairly new to dedicated servers. I want to run my bukkit server on it, but I have no experience with SSH whatsoever. I already have all of the files for my server, and I transfered them to my home folder on my server via FTP. Now I just need to know how to turn on my server, and have it where when I close SSH the server stays on.

    Some extra info:

    I am using linux, debian 7.0

    My start script is different from the normal one because I have to use RTK

     BINDIR=$(dirname "$(readlink -fn "$0")")
     cd "$BINDIR"
    java -Xmx30M -Xms30M -XX:MaxPermSize=40M -jar Minecraft_RKit.jar ${USER}:${PASS}
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